Can Dogs Eat Guava

Can Dogs Eat Guava? What You Need to Know?

Are you looking for a healthy diet to add to your dog’s diet? Fruits are the healthiest diet that you can give to your dog. Fruits are also blessed with natural vitamins and minerals. They are also rich in nutrition.

You might have thought someday “can dog eat guava?” Guava is an exotic fruit that humans love to eat globally. It has many health benefits for humans, but is it also safe for dogs?

You are thinking to give guava to your dog and you are not sure about its health benefits. Then you will be happy to know that guavas are safe for your dogs.

Today in this article, we are going to give you detailed information on can dogs eat guava? In this article, we will tell you about the health benefits, and drawbacks of guava.

Let’s get started!

Can Dogs Eat Guava? Perks of Consuming Guava

Someday you are munching on guavas and a thought came across your mind that can dogs eat guava? Well, yes. Guavas are rich in nutrients and vitamins which help your dog live a healthy life. Guavas provide dogs with low fats, carbohydrates, and nutrients.

hence, you should serve guava in a moderate amount to your dog. A single piece of guava can also complete the need for minerals and vitamins needed. So, it is better to feed small junk of guava to your dog. Try to consider giving your dog guava only once a week.

Before you start feeding guava to your dog. Let’s read more about the health benefits and perks of guava for your dog. If you wonder what other foods are safe for dogs, you can read more about basil, granola, scallops, and edamame.

1) Vitamins:

Guavas are loaded with plenty of vitamins. It contains vitamins A, C and K. Here are few benefits that your dog will have on their health by consuming guava:

  • Guavas contain a small amount of vitamin A and are quite beneficial. It helps your dog to improve eye-sight, and generation of new blood cells.
  • Vitamin B is essential for your dog’s health. It keeps a dog’s brain function properly and produces neurotransmitters. This process is also known as neurochemical synthesis in dogs.
  • Vitamin C is an important vitamin for dogs. It boosts your dog’s immune system and protects dogs from harmful diseases. Although dogs can re-generate this vitamin on their own, still it is better to take a proper diet.
  • Vitamin K helps in strengthening your dog’s bones. It is also used to regulate red blood cells in a dog’s body.

2) Fiber:

Like other fruits, guava is rich in fiber. It is good for the digestive system of your dog. It also makes sure to reduce constipation and regulates bowel movements.

Can Dogs Eat Guava

If your dog is having an upset stomach or having problems in passing stools, you can feed him guava. It will make your dog feel better.

3) Iron:

Dogs need a proper and balanced diet to live a healthy life. Guavas can be a good source of iron for dogs. Iron helps your dog with the development of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

4) Potassium and Magnesium:

Guavas contain a rich amount of potassium and magnesium. Potassium helps your dog’s internal organs to work properly and boost muscle growth. It can also help regulate the digestive system. 100 grams of guava contains 417 grams of potassium.

On the other side, magnesium in guava works as stress relief for dogs. It protects your dog from mental and physical illness. If your dog is having issues with liver or heart, try giving him guava.

5) Sodium:

Last but not the least, guava also contains some amount of sodium. Sodium helps in regulating blood pressure. If you witness any irregularity in the blood pressure of your dog, try giving him guavas.

Professional vets suggest not to use sodium supplements for dogs. It will risk your dog’s life. But, if you want to use supplements, you can consume them after consulting your dog’s vet.

Can Dogs Eat Guava? Side-Effects of Guava

Guavas have many benefits for dog’s health. Guava contains sugar and carbs. Too much consumption of sugar can lead to your dog’s health problems. It can cause weight gain, stomach issues and also lead to gastrointestinal issues.

Can Dogs Eat Guava

Always consider giving a moderate amount of guavas to your dog. If you observe any abnormal activity in your dog after feeding him guava, take him to the vet.

Can Dogs Eat Guava? Serving Tips for Guava

You have to be very careful while giving guava to your dog. Dogs might love to eat guava but you should limit the amount of guava as an excessive amount can be harmful. Here we will tell you the correct way to serve guava to your dog:

  • Always peel off the skin and seeds before serving guava to your dog.
  • Cut the guava into smaller pieces so that your dog can easily digest them.
  • Start with serving 1 or 2 pieces per week. You can increase the duration over time.

Can Dogs Get Allergic Reactions to Guava?

Vet professionals always recommend small junks of guava for dogs. The reason behind that is dogs tend to caught allergic reactions from guava. The common signs of guava allergies are rashes, infections, and swelling in the paws, ears, and face.

Always look out for a reaction after feeding guava to your dog. If you notice any of the symptoms, take your dog to the vet.

Can Dogs Eat Guava? What Types of Guava Can Dogs Eat?

If you think “can dog eat guava?” the answer is yes. Guavas are safe and healthy for your dog. There are different types of guavas that you can also for your dogs.

1) Ripped Guavas:

How do you know if the guava is ripe or not? So if guava goes from dark green to light green color, you can tell that the guava is ripe. Ripped guavas are good for your dogs as they are soft and dogs can swallow them easily. But, before giving ripe guava to your dog, consult your dog’s vet.

2) Red Guava:

Red guavas are also known as strawberry guavas. It has a red color and tastes more like strawberry. Strawberry guavas are safe for dogs to eat but they should be served in a moderate amount.

3) White Guava:

White guavas are famous as Mexican white guavas. Mexican white guavas are smooth and creamy in taste and texture. Dogs usually love to eat smooth creamy white guavas.

4) Thai Guava:

Thai guavas, also known as farang in Thailand. These guavas are green in color with a crunchy texture. Dogs can safely eat Thai guavas.

Like other types, be careful about the amount that you are feeding your dog.

5) Apple Guava:

Apple guavas resemble a lot of pears. These are safe for your dogs to eat. But make sure to feed ripped apple guavas to your dog.

Can dogs Eat Guava? Final Thoughts:

Let’s get into the flashback about can dogs eat guava? Guavas are rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. If you are looking for some healthy treats for your dog, you can feed him guavas. Guavas are a high source of iron.

Guavas are safe for dogs but they should be served in moderate quantity. As guavas contain a high amount of sugar, and they can be harmful to dogs.

Sometimes dogs also tend to show some allergic reactions to guavas. In this case, take your dog to the vet on an immediate basis.

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