White Specks in Dog Poop – What to Do About Them?

Generally, dogs poop in private places behind the trees, or underneath things. You may find it nauseous to see dogs poop or to collect poop. But it tells you so much about your dog. 

If you are a dog parent, you must be aware of the struggle of watching, your dog pooping and monitoring his poop. Normally dogs poop in brown color. But what if you notice “white specks in dog poop”?

Poop color plays an important role in keeping your dog healthy. Noticing unusual white specks in your dog’s poop can be disturbing. If you see any white specks in the dog’s poop, you should monitor it in detail.

It can be possible that those specks could be the pieces of any diet taken by your dog. But if they are moving, you should get concerned. If you have gone through this situation, we are here to help you. This article is all about white specks in dog poop, their reasons, and solutions to get rid of them.

If you want to know more about dog behaviors other than pooping, you can give a read to ticklish dogs, dogs laying in sun, and dog’s lips.

White Specks in Dog Poop – Reasons Behind White Specks

You might probably have noticed white specks in your dog’s poops and now you are here to know the reason behind that. Don’t worry, we are here to rescue your pet. There can be many reasons for specks, you need to find the correct one.

First of all, you need to examine the white specks, whether they are moving or motionless. There can be different reasons behind both. First, we will talk about motionless specks in dog’s poops.

1) Reasons Behind Motionless White Specks in Dog Poop

You ever notice any white specks in your dog’s poop and that is too motionless. There could be various reasons for that and we are discussing them below:

A) Food particles and Undigested Food:

Food particles can also tend to show up in dog’s poop. Your dog may have eaten something that was not digested properly and is now coming with poop in the form of white specks.

Rice and bones can be the actual reason for that. Ask yourself, have you feed your dog these recently. If yes, then take it as a normal thing.

Another reason for white specks in your dog’s poop can be un-digested food. This can happen if your dog is suffering from Malabsorption syndrome. In this situation, the dog’s intestine cannot work properly and leaves the food undigested.

B) Medicines:

Another cause of white specks in poop is medications. If your dog is on some medications, it means that the white specks noticed by you are these medicines. As medicines are heavy to digest for dogs, so there are chances for them to appear in poops.

If your dog never showed any specks before medicines, then you should get relaxed. He will poop normally once stop taking medicines.

C) Flies and Maggots:

Did you notice your dog poop lying in the backyard and got worried because it had white specks in it? You don’t need to worry about that, it can either be some flies, insects, or maggots. Fly larvae are supposed to lay eggs on dog’s poops.

Luckily, this has to do nothing with your dog, but it can be unhealthy in other circumstances. It can cause infections and bad odor which will affect your health and even plants. So, it’s better to clean your dog’s poop right after him doing it.

2) Reasons behind Moving White Specks in Dog Poop:

Till yet, we have discussed that motionless specks in a dog’s poop don’t harm your dog. But what about whiter MOVING specks in dog’s specks. If your dog is pooping with moveable specks, there is a possibility of worms and infection in your dog’s body. This can lead to serious issues if not treated timely.

White Specks in Dog Poop

The most common types of worms are tapeworms, roundworms, and hookworms. Stay connected with us to know more about moving white specks in dog poop.

A) Tape Worms:

Tapeworms are the most common worms that are more likely to appear in your dog’s poop. Possibly your dog swallows some tapeworms while sniffing or licking other animal’s poops. Tapeworms have the power to destroy your dog’s health once after getting infected by these worms.

Tapeworms stick themselves to the dog’s intestines and start causing disasters in his body. These worms can grow to two feet and take all of the dog’s nutrients. You need to treat tapeworms as soon as possible as they can be life-threatening. 

B) Round Worms:

You might notice some round-shaped white specks in the dog’s poop. These worms are likely to approach your dog if he has eaten some gross food or dirt. Roundworms can cause vomiting and bowel movements in your dog.

These are widely spread parasites and can put your pooch’s life at risk. Unfortunately, these cannot be seen with the naked eye. So, if you suspect any of the above symptoms in your dog, rush to the vet without wasting time.

C) Hook Worms:

Talking about worms, nothing can harm your dog more than hookworms. They are also known as Ancylostoma braziliense. These worms are also cannot be seen by the naked eye. You while examining white specks in dog poop, you can use microscopic glass to find hookworms.

Common symptoms of hook worms’ availability in dogs are weight loss, diarrhea with blood, and coughing. these worms get themselves stick to the dog’s body and suck all of their blood. These parasites can kill your dog within hours. You need to consult the vet immediately if you notice any symptoms of hookworms or white specks in the dog’s poop.

What Can You Do to Get Rid of White Specks in Dog Poop?

If you notice any white specks in your dog’s poop, the first thing you need to do is to figure out whether are specks are moving or not. You should observe for like 30 seconds.

After that, if the white specks in the dog’s poop are not moving, there is nothing to worry about. It can be due to some food reaction. All you can do is to keep an eye on your dog whether he is doing well or not.

On the other hand, if the specks are moving. It can be some deadly parasites. In this case, you should consult the vet. Before taking it to the vet, you can try giving your dog some basic medicines.

White Specks in Dog Poop

But if your dog showed some symptoms of serious illness, don’t try giving him anything without the doctor’s recommendation. Take your dog to the professional, and he will do everything by himself.

How to Determine Dog’s Health Through Poops?

While on a regular visit to the vet, the doctor may have asked you about your dog’s poop. Poop can be the greatest health indicator for dogs. If your dog is not pooping well in natural poop color; i.e.; brown, he might be having some health concerns.

Poops can be of different shapes, colors, sizes. Dog’s poops are depending on what kind of food they eat. If you want to know what type of poop is normal, you can read about dog’s poops below:

1) Dry Food Diet:

If your dog takes dry foods on a regular diet, he might poop big with a stingy smell. This can also happen due to the lack of nutrients in the dog’s body.

2) Fresh and Raw Food:

If your dog poops are smaller in size and also don’t produce much smell, it is the indication of raw or fresh food. It can be a good sign for your dog’s health.

3) Gastrointestinal Blockage:

If your dog poops tarry stools, black in color, he might be in trouble. This can be a sign of constipation or some gastrointestinal blockage. To prevent any inconvenience, take your dog to the vet if he poops very dark stools.

4) Internal Bleeding:

Red strips in a dog’s poop are an indication of internal infection. If your dog is pooping red or you have observed red specks in his poop, he might be suffering from internal bleeding. You need to take your dog to the vet for proper examination.

5) Pancreas:

Gray poop indicates towards pancreas problem. Your dog’s pancreas is not doing well if your dog is pooping oily and slimy gray poop. Gray poops can also appear when a dog’s pancreas failed to produce enough enzymes to digest food.

White Specks in Dog Poop? Final Thoughts:

If you find white specks in your dog’s poop, don’t panic in the first place. Sometimes, it is normal for animals. Make a routine to examine your dog’s poop whenever he does. You may find it unpleasant but you don’t know how much a single poop can tell you about your dog.

White specks in dog poop can be a result of parasite infection. But you can even get rid of it if diagnosed and treated properly. So, if you get habitual of daily poop checking, you can save your pooch’s life.

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