Can Dogs Eat Scallops

Can Dogs Eat Scallops? Are They Good For Dog’s Health?

We normally don’t associate seafood with dogs. But, if your pooch is begging for some scallops off your plate, what to do? Can dogs eat scallops?

There are times when your pooch will steal your scallop dinner. You might wonder if it is okay for dogs to eat scallops. Let me tell you that scallops are completely safe for your dogs.

In this article, we will take a detailed tour of what are scallops and are they safe for dogs or not. Let’s read below!

What Are Scallops?

Scallops are numerous bivalve mollusks belonging to the taxonomic family Pectinidae. Every ocean in the world contains hundreds of scallops. They are on the sandy bottom but sometimes attach to seaweeds and rocks.

The meaty part is in a shell. It is a kind of abductor muscle that people from the culinary world call “scallop”.

The scallop’s shell has a lot of popularity around the world. As their sight is a common occurrence of beaches, people love to collect them.

The beautiful shape and amazing color are what make them a popular collectible. The shells are pretty much iconic, why?

Scallop shells are significant in many religions and cultures. Some refer to it as a setting sun while others depict it as Roman Goddess.

1) Are Scallops Safe For Dogs?

Scallops are non-toxic for dogs and they can easily eat them. All kinds of cooked shellfish are okay for dogs.

Scallops if presented in moderation, pose little to no health risks

Scallops if presented in moderation, pose little to no health risks. The same goes for every human food.

Dogs have a curious nature and they tend to get themselves in trouble. But, if they eat your seafood dinner, it won’t kill them.

But, giving scallops in large quantities isn’t good for your canine friend. Adding minimal quantities of scallop to their regular diet is okay. Your pooch will get excited about this new addition too!

2) Feeding Tips Of Scallops To Dogs:

Scallops are a “human food” and you shouldn’t give them to your canine regularly. Scallops in the form of small treats occasionally are fine. Your furry friend may ask you for more, but do keep a check on the quantity

Keep your scallops plain when you are making it for your pooch. Too much seasoning isn’t great for them!

Steaming and boiling are two great ways for you and your pet as well. Both options eliminate the need for oil, making it a healthy treat.

The above cooking method works perfectly for vegetables like edamame beans  and eggplants too!

Adding a new element to your dog’s diet is tricky. Start by adding little amounts to their food in a way that they don’t notice.

3) Are Raw Scallops Safe For Canines?

Certainly not. Raw scallops are extremely unhygienic and have multiple parasites include salmonella.

Cooking the scallops eliminates the risk of containing harmful bacteria

Cooking the scallops eliminates the risk of containing harmful bacteria. It also reduces the chances of shellfish poisoning.

But, if your dog eats raw seafood, try adding scallops with correct knowledge. You should contact the vet for proper guidance.

4) Can Puppies Have Scallops?

Most vets do not recommend scallops for puppies. They have a sensitive stomach and can get easily sick.

New items in a puppy’s diet are not a good idea. Hence, you should stick to their regular diet. You can experiment with new food when they grow up.

Pros Of Feeding Scallop To Dogs

Scallops are a great source of essential nutrients if fed in moderate amounts.

Scallops have protein amounts as compared to red meat. But, you shouldn’t make scallops a major part of their regular diet. Scallops are a good occasional treat after their playtime and exercise.

Scallops have the following nutrients in abundance:

  • Potassium – prevents kidney stones and osteoporosis. It is also responsible for transmitting nerve signals.
  • Phosphorus – is vital for healthy bones and teeth.
  • Magnesium – is also necessary for strong bones. It boosts the immune system as well.

Overall, the high amount of protein in scallops maintains a healthy muscular system.

Cons Of Feeding Scallop To Dogs

In large amounts, every food has the potential to become harmful for dogs. Even though scallops are non-toxic, they can cause health risks for your pup.

1) Digestive Problems:

An upset tummy is the most common problem in canines. Adding any new food apart from their regular diet causes digestive issues.

Dogs have a different digestive system than us. They cannot quickly digest the food that we eat.

Can Dogs Eat Scallops: Seasoning, butter, and oil are harmful to dogs

Our dishes have tons of seasoning, butter, and oil. All these ingredients are harmful to dogs and make the main element less nutritious.

Fried scallops contain all of the unhealthy ingredients. Hence, you should avoid giving it to your furry friend.

Too many scallops will cause vomiting and diarrhea. Moreover, fried scallops have too much oil that also causes vomiting.

If this condition occurs, give them plenty of water to clean their stomach. Give them a bland diet for a day or two and notice their condition.

The severity of the symptoms depends upon the size and weight of your pup. If they are a smaller breed like a Chihuahua, it may take some time.

2) Salmonella and Other Parasite Poisoning:

Salmonella, roundworms, and tapeworms are a few parasites found within foul meat.

Raw seafood like scallops has a high chance that it contains salmonella. Other raw or contaminated foods like sausages also contain salmonella.

Can Dogs Eat Scallops: Raw seafood like scallops has a high chance that it contains salmonella

Bivalves have a high risk of containing parasites. These creatures filter out the ocean water through their body.

Getting scallops from a dirty polluted area can carry all sorts of toxins with them. Hence, they have high chances of causing shellfish poisoning in dogs.

Scallops need extra care while handling due to the risk of catching bacteria. Wash them properly and make sure that they aren’t rotten.

Can Dogs Eat Scallops? Final Thoughts:

Can dogs eat scallops? Yes, they can, but in moderation.

Scallops do have potential health benefits. However, feeding them regularly and in large amounts can cause health problems.

As they are non-toxic, they won’t kill your dog. Buy, feeding them raw and filthy can lead to shellfish poisoning.

You should cook them without oil or any spices ad it can disrupt their digestive system.

Before adding anything new to your furry friend’s diet do consult a vet.

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