My Dog Doesn’t Like Me: Possible Reasons and Their Solutions

One fine day, you are playing with your dog and you notice a change in their behavior. You wonder that your dog doesn’t want to play with you or is not happy around you. My dog doesn’t like me is a common question asked by many of us. But here you have to ask yourself where you made your dog feel unwanted.

You feel sad and you think why my dog doesn’t like me? Don’t worry, every dog owner has to go through this phase once in a lifetime.

Dogs are genius and intelligent animals. They can even feel the slightest change of their owners. At time.

They distance themselves from their owners if they feel unloved. If you are doubtful that your dog doesn’t like you anymore, ask yourself where you are making them feel ignored.

4 Common Signs That My Dog Doesn’t Like Me

Dogs have their way of communication. Whenever they don’t like something or someone, they try to tell you through their actions.

Here we have enlisted some signs that will help you know that your dog doesn’t like you:

1) They Growl At You:

If your dog growls at you whenever you try to play them, it means that they are unhappy with your behavior. Research says that “Unhappy dogs behave unusually, like zero tolerance, and growling at other people”. Sometimes, dogs can also bite you.

So, if your dog is growling or barking at you. Assess yourself where have you done wrong to your dog that he has started to hate you.

2) They Hide From You:

Dogs usually hide from their owner whenever they feel uncomfortable. If your dog doesn’t want to see you or hides, it means that they are feeling upset and need some distance.

If you see these signs in your dog, try to be friendly with them. But it can also be the signs of illness. You should take him to the vet for proper evaluation.

3) They Don’t Follow Your Commands:

If your dog is not following your commands or is disrespecting you, it is the biggest sign of disliking. Dogs tend to ignore their owners when they feel upset or scared.

You should get concerned if your dog is not following you anymore. You might have hurt him in some way. Look for the reasons that made you think “why my dog doesn’t like me”.

4) They Refuse To Treats:

Dog lovers might know that nothing makes a dog happier than a treat. If your dog refuses to take treats, it means that they are not comfortable around you.

Dogs usually love to eat Cheez-its, eggplants, and sour cream. But if they are refusing these things, they might have started to dislike you for some reason.

Why My Dog Doesn’t Like Me? 8 Possible Reasons

Despite giving your dog enough love and care, he is distancing himself from you. It doesn’t mean that your dog doesn’t love you. He might be feeling nervous or uncomfortable due to something or someone around.

We are here to help you with why my dog doesn’t like me. Here are some common reasons due to which dogs distance themselves from their owners.

1) Tone of Voice:

One of the main reasons that your dog has started to distance himself from you can be your tone of voice.

Dogs are highly sensitive animals one can have. They can sense your tone of voice only by pitch. A study says that a “dog’s brain reacts based on the person’s tone of voice talking to them”.

Dogs feel joyful when you use a low and happy tone of voice for communicating. If you are having the feeling that your dog doesn’t like you anymore. You might have use angry or high-pitched voices with them which have made them sad.

2) Body Language:

Despite tones of voices, dogs can also notice one’s behavior through their body language. As dogs are dependent on body language for communication. Always be careful while communicating with your dog because they have their perspective.

You are trying to be nice and loving to your dog, but your body language can leave a negative impact on their mind. If we look from the dog’s point of view, bare teeth and narrow eyes show aggressiveness.

Direct eye contact shows rude and threatening behavior. So, always watch out for your body language.

3) Previous Experience:

If your dog has gone through some traumatic experience in the past, it means that he is afraid to trust now. Dogs are not able to move on easily.

If you are giving a loving environment to your dog and still think about why my dog doesn’t like me. It can be possible that he can’t forget what has happened in the past.

In such situations, dogs can be afraid of anything or anyone who can remind them of their past. If your dog responds negatively towards some specific thing or person. Try removing that person or thing. Try to gain his trust in yourself.

4) Hugging and Touching:

Usually, dogs don’t like to get touched on in their specific areas. They don’t like pulling tails, ears, and hugs. They feel harassed, and disrespectful whenever you try to hug or touch them.

If your dog licks his lips, yawns, or growls at you when you touch him. You should stop touching him.

Sometimes, dogs can even bite you if you try to hug or touch them. If you want a physical bonding with your dog, you can pat him on his back or chest. Otherwise, let him cuddle in his way.

5) Looking Straight into Dog’s Eyes:

Like humans, staring can also make dogs uncomfortable. If you look straight into your dog’s eyes, he might take it as aggression. In a dog’s language, staring means rude and aggressive behavior. You should not look straight into your dog’s eyes.

6) Not Letting Dogs Explore or Sniff Outside:

Dogs love to go for walks with their owners. Walks give your dog a chance to explore the world. Like humans explore the world with their sight, dogs explore the world by sniffing. If you don’t let your dog explore the world or sniff things, they might feel frustrated.

When you take your dog for walks, give them plenty of time to explore the environment around them. It might feel like a reward to them. But don’t forget to keep an eye on them, so they don’t swallow things dangerous for them.

7) Yelling or Punishing Dogs:

Dogs hate it when you punish them or yell at them. If you think about why my dog doesn’t like me, ask yourself first. Maybe you have been punishing them or keep yelling at them all the time. Punishing and yelling can make dogs upset or they may fear you.

My Dog Doesn’t Like Me

If you are loving with your dog. But he gives you feelings of disliking, might be his previous owner used to punish or beat him.

Dogs take a long time to rebuild trust. You need to check the reason behind your dog’s behavior.

8) Feeling Alone Or Ignored:

Like punishing, dogs also hate it when you make them feel alone or ignore them. Dogs are very social creatures on the earth. They want to love all the time.

Have you ever noticed that your dog is playing and giving attention to other people, but ignoring you? This is because you have done the same with them at some point.

What to Do If My Dog Doesn’t Like Me? 3 Tips & Tricks

Like every relationship has ups and downs, there can be ups and downs in your relationship with dogs. If you are losing your bond with your dog, or your dog has started feeling uncomfortable around you. There is no need to worry or panic.

We have given below some tips and tricks to improve the bonding with your dog:

1) Be Patient:

First of all, you need to patient. A dog’s behavior will not change in one night. Like other relationships, your relationship with a dog also needs trust, patience, and understanding.

Give your dog extra care, love, and attention. It will take some time to get things to the better, but they will be alright eventually.

2) Play With Your Dog:

As dogs love to play and enjoy. Take your dog for walks, and play with them their favorite games like stick fetching and sand digging, etc.

When you start giving your dog enough playtime and attention, they will start liking you again. Try to learn about your dog through body language.

3) Stop Shouting and Punishing:

If your dog is ignoring you or giving you feeling as if they don’t like you. You don’t know what your dog is going through, so refrain from shouting. Don’t ever punish your dog for their behavior.

My Dog Doesn’t Like Me

When you punish your dog, they will be more disrespectful towards you. You should change your attitude with your dog. Give them more love and try to understand their actions.

Conclusion-Why My Dog Doesn’t Like Me?

If you want your dog to be always loving with you, you should make an understanding and strong bond with them. Never try to deal with rude or aggressive behavior. It will hurt their feelings and emotions, and they will start disliking you.

If you are having some problems with your dog, try giving a read to our article. It might be useful for you and help you solve your problem. If your dog is still behaving rudely and getting harsh to you. Consider taking him to the vet and let professionals do their work.

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