Can Dogs Eat Eggplant

Can Dogs Eat Eggplant? What’s The Truth?

Eggplant has many names according to different regions. North Americans call it eggplant as it looks like an egg and is vibrant in color. Before adding this vegetable to your dog’s diet, you need to know can dogs eat eggplant?

Yes, dogs can eat eggplant. If fed in moderation, it has many benefits for your canine friend.

Eggplant is one ignored vegetable. A misconception is that it is either spicy or flavorless. In reality, it is quite delicious if appropriately cooked and not overcooked. Eggplant is also rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Can Dogs Eat Eggplant?

If eggplants are a regular feature on your plate, your dog would wish to have some too. But is it as beneficial for dogs as it is for you? Let’s find out!

Plain bite-sized pieces are great for your pooch. It has tons of vitamins and minerals which their body needs.

It has Calcium, Phosphorus, vitamin B6, C, and K. These all combine and make a dog healthy.

Some dogs are allergic to plants of the nightshade family

Some dogs are allergic to plants of the nightshade family. It includes tomatoes and eggplants. Hence, it is not a good idea that dogs eat eggplant if they are allergic to it.

Nutritional Value Of Eggplant

Eggplant is not only beneficial for humans but dogs too. It has tons of vitamins and minerals, which are vital for canine’s health. Let’s have a look at what 99grams of eggplant has to offer:

35 Calories0.82 grams of Protein0.23 grams of fat0.12 milligrams of Zinc0.25 milligrams of Iron
8.64 grams of Carbohydrates188 milligrams of Potassium2.5 grams of Dietary Fiber6 milligrams of Calcium1.3 milligrams of Vitamin C
15 milligrams of Phosphorus11 milligrams of Magnesium85 micrograms of Vitamin B614 micrograms of Folate2.9 micrograms of Vitamin K
1 milligram of Sodium

The purple pigmentation in the eggplant is due to flavonoids like anthocyanins. Some people also say that it provides health benefits as well.

6 Health Benefits Of Eggplants For Dogs

If you prepare eggplants without oil, fats, or any additive, it is a healthy food option for your pup. It is low in calories and high in fiber, helpful in quickly filling the dog’s stomach.

We mentioned the nutrients above now let’s see how they benefit a canine’s health:

  1. Phosphorus – is useful for energy transfer. Phosphorus works with Calcium for healthy bones and teeth. In contrast, Phosphorus alone helps in maintaining the shape of the skeletal structure.
  2. Magnesium – is also vital for energy transfer at the cellular level. It is necessary for proper heart function, muscle health, and the nervous system.
  3. Folate – helps in metabolic functions like DNA replication and RBC production. Deficiency of folate or vitamin B-9 can cause anemia. In this condition, red blood cells cannot carry oxygen to and fro the body.
  4. Vitamin B6 – is essential for RBCs, nervous systems, and glucose generation. Dogs need this vitamin for hormone, regulation, and gene activation as well.
  5. Vitamin C – is an important antioxidant. Vitamin C helps the body to get rid of harmful free radicals. It strengthens the immune system and fights off diseases. Canines can synthesize Vitamin C in their body. But, they still need it from different food resources.
  6. Vitamin K – is a fat-soluble vitamin and helps in blood clotting. It also helps in bone formation and heart health. Deficiency of vitamin K causes bleeding and poor bone health.

Hazards Of Eggplant For Dogs

Some dogs are allergic to eggplants. If they show the following signs, contact a vet:

Facial swellingUpset stomach

The allergy isn’t because of eggplants. They belong to the nightshade family. And those vegetables which fall under it will cause an allergic reaction. Tomato is another member of the family.

For minor allergies, the vet prescribes antihistamine. But, in severe allergy, the vets decide after looking at their condition.

Eggplant consists of a naturally occurring alkaloid called solanine

Eggplant consists of a naturally occurring alkaloid called solanine. It is only toxic in high concentrations. Hence, you must feed eggplant to your dog in moderate amounts. If you have eggplants in your backyard, you must know that their leaves have more amounts of solanine.

According to studies, dogs that have kidney issues and arthritis should avoid eggplant. It can block the absorption of Calcium in the bloodstream. This leads to the formation of kidney and bladder stones.

A small amount of eggplant is okay for dogs. But those canines which develop kidney stones must avoid vegetables containing oxalate.

What Type Of Eggplant Is Safe For Dogs?

It would help if you fed organically grown eggplant to your canine. Organic fruits and vegetables provide more nourishment than other forms.

Can Dogs Eat Eggplant: Artificially grown eggplants contain pesticides

Artificially grown eggplants contain pesticides. Some of these pesticides can have an adverse reaction on your pup’s health.

Pesticides can disrupt your pet’s hormones. It also affects their behavior and their ability to reproduce.

Organic eggplants are an expensive option. But, the money is worth paying when it comes to the safety of your dog. Moreover, if you are growing them in your garden, you can take care of using them safely for your canine.

Can Dogs Eat Eggplant: Feeding your dog quality dog food eliminates the need for additional nourishment

Feeding your dog quality dog food eliminates the need for additional nourishment. Dog food consists of all the essential nutrients they need. Thus, making them and their diet balanced and healthy.

6 Serving Tips For Canines

  1. If your furry friend isn’t allergic to eggplant, it is still necessary to know how to serve it.
  2. Most dogs like to eat it raw. All you want to do is dice the eggplant and give it to your canine buddy.
  3. Some won’t like it raw as it has a bitter taste. Cooking or roasting them will make it just fine.
  4. Eggplant tends to absorb a lot of fat, oil, and spices. So, you must ensure you don’t feed what you cook for yourself until it’s plain or serve it with some fresh cilantro as dogs love it.
  5. Too much fat and flavorings like salt, onion, and garlic aren’t good for dogs. This is why human foods like garlic bread or pretzels aren’t healthy for them at all.
  6. You should prepare eggplant by plainly grilling, boiling, or baking. Plus, cooking the aubergine helps in getting rid of the harmful components of the raw form.


Can dogs eat eggplant? Yes, they can. If your pup isn’t allergic to Aubergines, they can have it in their daily food but in moderation.

While you enjoy your favorite eggplant dish, your pup may want some. Their lustrous eyelashes and their puppy eyes are to fall for.

But, you shouldn’t give them your food. We cook our dishes with spices and seasonings, which isn’t suitable for dogs.

Before adding any new vegetable to your pet’s diet, you must consult a vet. If your dog is older then, they may face kidney issues.  If you wish to feed eggplant or any other vegetable, make sure it is in a moderate amount. Adding a few vegetables to their commercial food won’t harm them.

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