Can Dogs Have Watermelon

Can Dogs Have Watermelon? The Fact Is Out!

Watermelon on a hot summer day is a perfect treat one can have. Water enriched and flavorful. But if you are thinking of sharing your summer treat with your dog, first you should know can dogs have watermelon?

The sweet answer is yes! Dogs can have watermelon. But, is watermelon good for dogs? Well, there are some things you should consider before feeding your pooch watermelon.

Is Watermelon Safe For Dogs?

Watermelon is full of vitamins and nutrients that are essential for a dog’s health. Also, it has a high water content almost 92%, so it can be a hydrating and refreshing treat in summers.

But excess of anything can be bad for your dog’s health. It is very important to serve your dog watermelon correctly because the rinds and seeds can cause serious health issues.

In this article, we are going to talk about the benefits and risks of feeding watermelon to your furry friend. Moreover, we will see how you can serve watermelon to your dog in the right way!

Want to know about more fruits for your dog? Give these posts on guava, cherries, and prunes, a quick read!

1) Health Benefits of Watermelon for Dogs?

Dogs are omnivores and they can get nutrition from both plant and animal sources. Watermelon is very nutritious and can aid your dog’s health in many ways.

It contains potassium, vitamin A, B6, C, and a lot of fiber which is very good for digestion. It also contains antioxidants like lycopene which helps in preventing cancer and heart diseases in dogs.

Are you wondering that watermelon also contains sugar so how can it be healthy and beneficial? Right? Well, here is a fact that watermelon is so rich in fiber that it insulates the sugar and restricts it from releasing into the bloodstream.

Watermelon is a healthy pick for your dog! It is fat and cholesterol-free. Also, it is low in calories and low in sodium. 92% water content of watermelon is a good source of hydration for your dog on a hot summer day.

2) Can Dogs Have Watermelon Every day?

As I said earlier, excess of anything can be bad. If a dog keeps on consuming a lot of watermelons regularly, he can get gastrointestinal upset most commonly diarrhea.

Dogs aren’t used to eat human foods so if you feed watermelon in excess initially, he might get stomach upset and abdominal pain.

You should feed watermelon to your dog in moderation. It is advised to talk to your Vet before introducing any new food to your dog. A Vet or nutritionist can tell you the suitable amount of new food to feed your doggy.

It is advised to introduce a new food in less amount occasionally to see how your dog’s body reacts to a certain human food.

3) Can Dogs Have Rinds and Seeds of Watermelon?

Seeds of watermelon can cause digestive and intestinal blockage if consumed in a large amount. Big dogs may cater seeds and pass them easily but smaller dogs have a high risk of intestinal blockage.

The rind can also cause blockage because it is hard and not easily chewable. A dog can easily nibble on the rind but it doesn’t mean that he can chew it properly and digest it well.

Smaller dogs are more at risk of blockage. Peel and seeds are hard to digest. Signs of intestinal blockage include abdominal pain, vomiting, lethargy, and constipation.

The symptoms can appear after 24 hours of eating seeds or rinds. Take your dog to a veterinarian in case of blockages to avoid any serious complications.

4) Can Dogs Have Watermelon Flavored Products?

Serving your dog artificially sweetened or flavored products is not a good thought. Such products contain a lot of sugar and chemicals that can risk your dog’s health.

A lot of sugar consumption causes stomach upsets and can lead to diabetes and obesity in dogs. Moreover, artificial sweeteners like xylitol are toxic to dogs.

We don’t want to risk our dog’s life so, sticking to the natural watermelon prepared by you is a healthy and beneficial choice.

5) How to Feed Watermelon to A Dog?

All dogs have different dietary needs. So first you should consult with your Vet before adding any human food to your dog’s diet. A vet can tell you how much of a certain food your doggy can consume. Watermelon can become a bad choice for a dog with any medical issues.

Once you have taken professional advice, you need to remove the rind and seeds from the watermelon before serving to your dog.

Cut the watermelon in small chunks so that your dog can chew it properly. It’s a nice and easy treat you can give to your pooch.

If your dog has strong teeth and enjoys frozen treats, you can freeze watermelon cubes for some time and then offer a refreshing treat.

You can also make watermelon puree and freeze it in cubes for your pooch.

Another creative way to serve watermelon to your dog is watermelon ice cream. All you need to do is mix the watermelon puree in unsweetened yogurt and freeze. Don’t choose this option if your dog is lactose intolerant! 


Yes! Watermelon is a healthy treat for your dog. It is the best low-calorie and low-fat fruit. Also, the huge amount of fiber and water content make it a healthy, hydrating, and refreshing choice for your pooch.

It is highly packed with nutrients. Make sure to serve it properly. Remove rind and seeds before giving watermelon to your doggy. Rind, skin, or seeds can cause gastrointestinal blockage and smaller dogs are at high risk.

And remember, too much watermelon consumption can cause stomach upset too. So, stick to serving in a controlled amount.

Talk to your Vet and add watermelon to your dog’s diet as a healthy, sweet, and juicy snack!

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