Can Dogs Eat Cantaloupe? Is Cantaloupe Safe for Dogs?

Fruits are healthy for humans as well as dogs. They give you pleasure and energy. But you thought what fruit can keep you hydrated in this scorching heat. Well, cantaloupes are the best fruit to consume in summers as they are loaded with water and can keep you hydrated. Cantaloupes are also known as musk melon and rockmelon.

Cantaloupes are good for humans but what about dogs? Can dogs eat cantaloupe? YES, dogs can eat cantaloupes. Cantaloupes are one of those fruits that are healthy and safe for dogs. It is rich in fiber and vitamins A and C. It offers zero calories and contains a rich amount of folate, potassium, niacin, and vitamins A, C, K.

Do you want your dog to try more exciting fruits? You can read about watermelon, peaches, cherries, plantains, and guava.

Can Dogs Eat Cantaloupe? Health Benefits of Eating Cantaloupe

Cantaloupes belong to the family of watermelon and cucumbers. It contains 90% of water. If your dog is suffering from dehydration, you can give him cantaloupes. But, don’t overdose on it as an excessive amount can lead to some health issues.

Besides, a good amount of water, cantaloupes also contains some health benefits that one should know about before feeding cantaloupes to your dog.

1.1. Antioxidants:

Cantaloupe contains antioxidants that prevent your dog from cancer, heart diseases, and increase brain health and boost the immune system of your dog. Antioxidants also fight free radicals to reduce stress and health damages in your dog.

1.2. Potassium and Magnesium:

Potassium in cantaloupe keeps your dog’s heart and kidneys function properly. It helps in healthy muscle development and keeps bones strong. Whereas, magnesium increases the metabolism of fatty acids and produces the energy level required by dogs.

1.3. Low Calories:

One of the great benefits of cantaloupe is that they are low in calories. Most of the time, fruits contain a high amount of calories, due to which diabetic dogs cannot eat them.

But, in this case, you can easily give your dog cantaloupes. However, it is best to consult your dog’s vet once before feeding cantaloupe to your dog.

1.4. Dietary Fiber:

Fibers are important for dogs as it helps them in digesting the food easily and protect them from constipation. Cantaloupe contains 1.5 grams of fibers in one serving cup. It is a micro-mineral in cantaloupes that helps in producing energy, carbohydrates, proteins, and support the joint muscles in your dog.

What Are the Health Risks of Eating Cantaloupes?

2.1. Cantaloupe Seeds:

As we discussed earlier that cantaloupes belong to the family of watermelon. Hence, it also contains seeds like watermelon and can be problematic for your dog. Dogs don’t have a strong digestive system and eating seeds can cause them digestion issues or belly aches.

2.2. Choking Hazards:

There is a risk of choking hazard if cantaloupes are not served properly in small pieces. Dogs have small stomachs and they can’t manage to digest bigger pieces of cantaloupes and if they do, it might result in choking.

Can Dogs Eat Cantaloupe

So always be careful while giving cantaloupe to your dog and cut the fruit in small pieces so your pooch can enjoy it easily.

2.3. Moderate Amount:

Fruits are human food. So, cantaloupes are not as such safe for dogs if given on daily basis. Although they offer plenty of health benefits to your dog but still if you feed too much cantaloupe to your dog, they might get sick. It can also lead to diabetes and obesity in dogs.

How Much Amount of Cantaloupe Is Safe for Dogs?

Cantaloupes contain 8% of sugar and one cup of cantaloupe contains 12 grams of sugar and 53 calories. Such an amount of sugar is not safe for dogs especially for those who are diabetic. Try to feed cantaloupe in a moderate amount. 

You should feed only 10% cantaloupe to your dog once in two weeks. Still, if you observe any different behavior or bowel movements in your dog, take him to the vet. For the next time, avoid giving cantaloupes to your dog. 

How to Serve Cantaloupes to Your Dog?

Below we have given the serving method for cantaloupes that your dog will love to eat. Do give it a try and collect some love from your dog.

  • Slice the cantaloupe into 2 half pieces and remove its seeds.
  • After removing seeds, give cantaloupes the dice cut.
  • Put diced cantaloupes in a blender and blend until they get smooth.
  • Add some yogurt and milk to the bowl and add the cantaloupe puree to it.
  • Serve it to your dog or you may freeze it for 1 day and serve the freeze cantaloupes to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Cantaloupe? Short Summary:

 The summary to CAN DOGS EAT CANTALOUPE is that YES, dogs can eat cantaloupe in moderate amounts. Cantaloupes contain lots of water in them which makes them a healthy treat for de-hydrated pooches.

With several benefits, cantaloupes do have some risks to the health of dogs. You should keep observing your dog when feeding him cantaloupes because he might show some side effects. If you notice any strange behavior, consult your dog’s vet.

As per our advice, always ask your vet experts whenever you thought of introducing any new food to your dog.

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