Can Dogs Cry

Can Dogs Cry? Discussing and Understanding Dogs’ Crying

Dogs are sensitive and kind heart animals. They can sense emotions through your actions and can respond accordingly. Like humans, dogs have their own way of expressing emotions. For example, wagging tales mean happiness, and barking means showing aggressiveness.

Dogs go through many emotions of happiness, love, frustration, sadness, and anger. Now you wonder Can Dogs Cry? Yes, they do cry. You might think that your dog is crying because of some emotional reaction. But it is not necessary. According to research dogs crying or having watery eyes can be a medical issue.

Today we are going to discuss different reasons for dogs crying and their possible solutions. Meanwhile, you can also give a read to dogs having eyelashes, knees, tonsils, and dogs winking, or smelling like death.

Can Dogs Cry? 4 Reasons of Dogs Crying

What if you caught your dog crying with tears? You get worried in the first place thinking that he might be crying due to some emotional state. But it’s not always emotions. There could be various reasons for dogs crying or shedding tears.

Let us discuss the common reasons that why your dog cries:

1.1. Allergies:

Like humans, dogs are also prone to get allergies. If your dog cries or has watery eyes, he might be suffering from some seasonal allergy. Other reasons for allergies are smoke, dust, pollen, and rotten food.

Allergic dogs might show symptoms of sneezing, coughing, dizziness, and swelling around the eyes. if your dog is having any of these symptoms, take him to the vet and the professionals will treat him according to the situation.

1.2. Blockage of Tear Ducts:

Dogs have tear ducts to keep their eyes function properly, if that duct gets block due to any reason, the water from the eyes starts coming outside that makes your dog’s eyes crying. This situation is known as epiphora.

If you suspect any symptoms like brown-reddish damp fur around eyes, and skin irritation, take your dog to the vet for proper treatment.

1.3. Scratched Cornea:

Another common reason for crying is due to scratched cornea. You might have to face this problem more often if your dog is hyperactive or very playful. Dogs play roughly and also they can’t take care of themselves on their own.

Symptoms for scratched cornea are excessive eye blinking, swollen eye, or itching on a specific eye area. If you observe any of these symptoms, rush your dog to the vet to avoid any inconvenience.

1.4. Dust Particles:

Dust particles are another reason that made your dog cry. Sometimes, tiny dust particles can get stuck in your dog’s eyes that made their eyes watery. However, this is temporary. The dust particles vanished automatically after some time. 

If your dog feels irritation or paws his eyes, again and again, try to take out dust particles on your own. Wash your dog’s eyes with cold water so that the dust particle came out. If the situation gets out of hand, rush to the vet.

Can Dogs Cry? How Do They Express Sadness?

As dogs cannot communicate through words, so they express their emotions by signs. If you observe your dog being sad or upset, how will you know that he is sad or it is something else? Below we have given some ways that will help you in letting know about your dog’s emotions.

2.1. Shivering:

Some dogs started to shiver or shake their body when they get upset over something. Dogs usually get sad when they feel unresponsive or un-attentive. So, if your dog is shivering or shaking his body, give him attention and take good care of him.

2.2. Hiding:

Hiding is another way of expressing sadness for dogs. When dogs get scared, stressed, or ignored, they tend to hide behind things or under tables.

According to research, dogs also hide if they feel threatened by someone. Discover the reason your dog hiding in different places and treat him accordingly.

2.3. Cuddles:

Some dogs want extra attention if they feel sad. So if your dog is asking for particular attention, he might be feeling low, bored, or he wants attention.

2.4. Ignoring:

Mostly, dogs ignore their owners and their commands when they feel sad or upset. If you notice your dog acting aggressive, not following your commands, or barking at you. He might be going through something. Give him attention and care to feel your dog is normal and loved.

Can Dogs Cry? What Does Dog Tear Means?

Dogs also have emotions and feelings. You notice your dog is having watery eyes, and you thought that he is crying. Dogs do cry, but they don’t cry with tears. Then what do dog tears mean? Dogs produce tears to protect their eyes, keep them clean, and lubricated.

Can Dogs Cry

But the vet experts say that the production of tears from a dog’s eyes can be a reason for some infection, medical issue, or some other problem. Be a responsible dog parent, and try to figure out the actual reason behind your dog’s watery eyes.

Can Dogs Cry? Conclusion:

Can dogs cry? Yes, dogs can cry too. Dogs are most likely to cry when they feel ignored and un-attentive. if your dog is getting enough attention and love, and you still found him crying, there might be some other reason. Dogs can also cry due to some health issues.

Moreover, if you saw your dog crying with tears, he must be going through a medical problem because dogs don’t cry with tears. If this happens to your dog, it’s better to take him to the vet so that experts can check him and treat him accordingly.

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