Do Chihuahuas Shed

Do Chihuahuas Shed? 6 Major Reasons of Shedding

Many dog lovers search over the internet to get a solution for dog’s shedding solution. Such as How much does a Maltese shed? or Why Do Corgis Shed. Now, here is another question, do Chihuahuas shed or not?

Yes! the Chihuahuas do shed. Shedding creates inconveniency for you and the pup, but it has many health benefits.

Another question arises, how much does Chihuahua shed? 

Chihuahuas shed reasonably throughout a year. But the frequency may increase during specific seasons.

Chihuahua is one of the most easy-going lovely breeds of canine breeds. Yet, Chihuahua is a small, cute, and lovable breed but, you ignore Chihuahua’s shedding.

This article is a complete guide for the people searching for “Do Chihuahua Shed.” It provides misconceptions of shedding, reasons, and solutions to limit shedding.

Misconceptions Related To Chihuahuas Shedding

A misconception regarding Chihuahua’s shedding is shedding depends on the dog’s breed.

There are four primary breeds of Chihuahua:

  1. Teacup Chihuahua
  2. Deer head Chihuahua
  3. Apple head Chihuahua
  4. Fawn head Chihuahua

Shedding does not depend on the canine’s breed. Instead, it depends on the coat layers.

Dependence Of Chihuahuas Shedding

Chihuahua’s shedding depends on the coating layer. There are mainly two types of a coat of Chihuahua:

  1. Single-coat
  2. Double-coat

Single-coat is the uppermost coat of thick protector hair. However, a double-coat on Chihuahuas is an extra layer coat with squeaky hair.

Now, the question is, which Chihuahua shed more? Either single-coat or double-coat?

So, the answer is Chihuahuas with single-coat shed more than double-coat Chihuahuas.

The double-coat layer helps to keep Chihuahua warm and normalize body temperature. The inner layer keeps its heat while the outer layer protects from the cool breeze, snowfall, and rain.

Do Chihuahuas Shed Frequently

You may have noticed that your Chihuahua sheds daily. They shed throughout the year, but the shedding turns high in shedding seasons.

As Chihuahuas are small, they don’t lose much hair compared to other dog’s breeds.

Do long hair Chihuahuas Shed

Chihuahuas have either a long-coat or a short-coat. People think that Chihuahua with long-coat shed more than short-coat Chihuahuas.

Longer-coats Chihuahuas shed in a similar quantity as short-coat Chihuahua.

The misconception is due to the hair of a long coat is noticeable than a short coat. However, the reality is long-coat Chihuahua sheds less because of a double-layer coat. 

3 Stages Of Chihuahuas Shedding

The shedding process of Chihuahua includes three stages:

  1. Anagen
  2. Catagen
  3. Telogen

Anagen is the growth stage — papilla supplies nutrient-rich blood for hair growth.

The transitional stage is Catagen in which, hair becomes mature and split up from the papilla.

The final resting stage is Telogen, in which the hair falls out.

Chihuahua’s shed throughout a year, but with varying intensities. 

Seasonal Effects: When Do Chihuahuas Shed More

Chihuahuas shed less to high shedding—as a change in weather conditions.

Usually, Chihuahuas Shedding seasons are between spring and winter. They shed at the beginning of the summer season to prepare their body for a hot summer.

In spring /summer, the sunlight varies, and the thicker coat sheds off to make a thinner coat.

Do Chihuahuas Shed in spring season?

The end of the spring season is quite a heavy shedding duration because more hair is to shed. The scorching summer season is hot, and Chihuahuas need to get ready for the change.

Furthermore, in the winter season, they dump more hair in cold weather. In the autumn season, a thicker coat takes place, and additional hair sheds off. 

The sunlight influences the shedding cycle. The change of seasons starts fluctuations in Chihuahua’s pineal gland. Therefore, it results in heavy shedding.  

In summer, the hot temperature slows the shedding process due to heat absorption.

Extreme temperature helps you relax; you need not take additional summer care because summer keeps your Chihuahua calm and relaxed.

Hence, Chihuahuas may give you a tough time during the shedding cycle when a change in a season happens. 

6 Reasons: Why Do Chihuahuas Shed

There is a difference in shedding and hair loss. Chihuahuas lose hair during the shedding cycle, and it is absolutely alright.

However, if your dog is losing hair continuously, it might be some other issue. You should visit a vet for a proper checkup because it can be dangerous for your dog.

Here are a few reasons why do Chihuahuas shed and lose hair:

1) Hypothyroidism Can Cause Chihuahuas To Shed:

Hypothyroidism is the state when the thyroid gland can’t produce adequate thyroid hormones. As a result, hair loss increases. The shedding is mainly around the chest and back legs.

In Hypothyroidism hair loss start for Chihuahuas

Hypothyroidism has some symptoms; laziness, anemia, obesity, and high blood cholesterol. 

Though it does not threaten your dog’s life, proper treatment is essential for the joyful and fit life of your Chihuahua.

2) Mange Results In Hair Shed:

Mange is common in most poodles. Mites produce it. Extreme hair loss and toughening of the skin are a result of Mange.

If you don’t treat Mange, this can be harmful and may hurt your Chihuahua’s physical condition.

3) Chihuahuas Shed Due To Bacterial And Fungal Infections:

Mostly poodle suffers from bacterial and fungal infections. Ringworm is one of the infectious fungal diseases – creates round spots of hair loss on doggies.

The fungal and bacterial infection is painful. It causes inflammation and hardens the skin. These may result in extreme shedding.

Fungal Infection causes inflammation and hardens the skin

Whenever you find such a condition with your dog, immediately contact and visit the vet.

These infections may continue for an extended period and increase hair loss.

4) Dog’s Shed Due To Food Allergies:

You cannot give your dog whatever you eat. Such as avoid giving them many sausages, chips like Doritos, or Cheetos and sugary food and drinks like soda and skittles

The digestive system of the canine doesn’t digest each food. It may cause allergies. Some ingredients are not suitable for your Chihuahua.

Follow the vet’s prescription for your dog’s diet plan. Try to avoid giving him such food that contains allergic ingredients.

5) Fleas Are A Reason For Chihuahuas Shedding:

Most of the dogs face the problem of Fleas bites. It is an issue for Chihuahuas as well.

This excites allergic reactions in Chihuahuas. Moreover, this results in inflammation, hair-loss spots, and extreme hair shedding. 

6) Heat Cycle In Female Chihuahuas:

When a female Chihuahua is in a heat cycle, because of a flicker of estrogen-she may shed more in that duration.

A hormonal change in female Chihuahuas results in heavy shedding.

5 Solution: Decrease Chihuahuas Shedding

Reasons for Chihuahuas shedding have explained why do Chihuahuas shed. Now, you can understand; it is natural for pups. You cannot stop the shedding process, but you can limit it.

Chihuahua’s breeds are different. There are some useful tips that you can use to cope with shedding.

Some of the solutions prove useful in shedding seasons:

1) Regular Brushing Limits Hair Shed:

Regular brushing is the easiest, simplest, and efficient solution to limit Chihuahuas shedding. Brushing the free and twisted hair can help lessen your Chihuahua’s shedding.

Chihuahuas are little, small pups

Subsequently, Chihuahuas are little, small pups. Brushing may take less time than other dog’s breed. If you regularly brush the hair, you can get rid of this problem.

You need to be cautious while choosing a brush for your dog. A suitable brush is essential to limit Chihuahua shedding. Otherwise, the wrong brush can cause a problem for your dog’s skin.

There are two styles of brushes for your canine:

Soft-Bristle Brush:

A soft-bristle brush is necessary for short-coat Chihuahuas. It helps to get rid of lifeless hair and filth.

For shedding seasons, this brush will help deal with shedding cycles.

Slicker Brush:

The best brush for the long-coat Chihuahuas is a pin / slicker brush. It helps to go along the long and thin hair.

Be gentle when brushing him because his small body will feel the dreaded tangle brush-through more so than a giant dog.

De-shedding is crucial if you head outdoors to exercise your Chihuahua in a harness. This way, hairs don’t turn loose and tug uncomfortably if your pup still occasionally pulls.

2) Use Gentle Shampoo For Chihuahuas Coat:

If you want your Chihuahua to get a smooth and healthy coat, use a gentle shampoo regularly.

Use gentle shampoo for Chihuahuas shedding

A gentle shampoo contains natural components which are helpful for a soft layer. Like, you can use oatmeal shampoos.

Be alert while picking a shampoo because some ingredients may irritate.

The Chihuahuas have bulging and sensitive eyes. Therefore, you need to know the ingredients well. It should have a tearless formula.

3) Proper Bathing Decrease Shedding:

Short-haired Chihuahua is small and sensitive. You should not give them regular baths. Bathing once every 8 to 12 weeks is sufficient.

However, long-haired Chihuahuas should have a bath once every 4 to 8 weeks.

It is because longer-haired Chihuahuas get more dirt in the coat than short-haired Chihuahua.

People think that giving more wash to furry animals results in less shedding. But this is not true. You cannot end your puppy from shedding hair.

Giving more wash and bath can disturb fur’s standard oils. Therefore, you should follow the instruction of a vet to give a bath.

If your dog’s skin requires antibacterial shampoo, then use it as per the vet’s advice.

4) Chihuahuas Shedding & Balanced Diet:

The diet of your Chihuahua’s directly affects the condition of its coat layer. Unhealthy diet influences the state of hair, skin, and health.

We know this happens to people as well when they follow an unhealthy diet routine. The same is true for tiny Chihuahuas.

Healthy food stops shedding

Consequently, give your dog high-quality food that is full of essential nutrients. A healthy diet is right for your dog as it provides the required components to the body.

Yet, a shedding cycle may decrease by giving a right balanced diet. Superior kibbles contain omega fatty acids that help nourish the dog’s skin and coat layer.

Furthermore, a balanced diet ensures; the dog may shed on in shedding season, not due to any deficiency.

There are some critical ingredients and foods that are good to keep the coat healthy. Like; fish, vitamins, egg, fish oil, flaxseed, Omega fatty acids, and minerals.

5) Supplements For Chihuahuas Health:

You will never get all the essential ingredients in one food. Therefore, a supplement can help to fulfill those deficient ingredients.

If you want to add Fish oil to your dog’s diet, you can use supplements in oil or pill form. This is the simplest way to give additional nutrients and minerals.

Supplements not only provide nourishment to the skin, but it benefits a dog’s body in many ways.

Is Chihuahuas Shedding Alarming

Sometimes, shedding hair is annoying to a dog and the owners. It is natural, but when you notice hair all over your house, it disturbs you.

You may have noticed the hair on sofas, beds, clothes, carpet, and everywhere. It becomes alarming when you see unusual hair loss. 

So, you need to contact a vet when you see any patch, hair-loss spots, or uneven fur in such an alarming situation.

More than usual, shedding is a signal of a concerning issue. If you leave it unnoticed, it may turn out as a dangerous disease.

Conclusion: Do Chihuahuas Shed

Chihuahuas are the perfect sized dog. The small size is very convenient and portable to fit into a purse. This article is about the shedding reasons and solutions to lessen the shedding.

Shedding hair disturbs you and your pet routine. Hair, everywhere your dog moves, spread away. Various reasons explain why do Chihuahuas shed and solutions to minimize shedding.

During shedding season, hair shed more than usual. At the end of spring and the beginning of summer, canine sheds a lot to remove extra hair.                           

Shedding not only depends on the shedding season instead, there many other reasons for it.

Mostly shedding cycles are not concerning, but some are; due to infections. And you should check on these situations to take better care of your pet. When the situation gets alarming, do visit a vet and take proper medicine for treatment.

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