Can Dogs Drink Soda

Can Dogs Drink Soda? The Answer Is Out!

Nothing can beat a cold fizzy soda on a hot sunny day. The smell, the sound, everything is perfect. It takes a few seconds for your pooch to notice the can in your hand. But can dogs drink soda?

No, dogs shouldn’t drink soda as it contains harmful ingredients and additives which put your pooch’s life at risk.

Sodas are quite enjoyable drinks for humans. You may think your dog can give it a try. But, should they?

In this article, we shall find out the answer to this question!

Is Soda Okay For Dogs?

Unfortunately, soda is exceptionally harmful to dogs. A tiny drop or two is okay. But, splitting the can with your furry friend is a terrible idea.

soda is exceptionally harmful to dogs

Dogs have a curious nature; they love to explore new things. While it is okay to lick the spills. But consuming in large amounts can have serious health risks. Most sodas are sweet, and dogs have a sweet tooth.

They will love drinking sodas. It is even more harmful when they are thirsty, and they chug down the whole bottle.

The human body can handle fizzy drinks as our organs work differently. The amount of soda we can process isn’t something your furry friend can handle.

Why Is Soda Harmful For Dogs?

Sodas have a large amount of sugar and caffeine in them. Even though sodas aren’t good for humans, but they are twice as bad for doggos. Most people think that the problem is due to carbonation. It is true.

But, sugar and caffeine, when combined, make it worse! Have a look at why soda is harmful to dogs:

1) Soda Has Tons Of Sugar:

A high amount of sugar can make your pet obese. A high level of blood sugar can lead to diabetes. If dogs drink soda they will consume too much sugar.

Dogs who are obese have lower energy levels and no interest in playing. While an active lifestyle is essential for pets, an obese dog has to bear its side effects.

Dogs love to eat skittles

There are many sugary snacks for us, for example, skittles. Dogs love to eat skittles as well. But, not everything your pooch loves is beneficial.

Too much sugar can cause digestive upsets. If your pup’s stomach isn’t okay, they may experience diarrhea and vomiting.

Some carbonated drinks have artificial sweeteners like “xylitol“. It is highly toxic for pups.

Consuming too much sugar will also affect dental health. The bacteria in the mouth use sugar to produce acids. These acids destroy the enamel and outer covering of the teeth.

When the tooth is without a covering, it is prone to dental cavities.

2) Soda Contains Too Much Caffeine:

We may need caffeine to start our day, but dogs don’t. They wag their tail and are good to go. If your pooch feels tired, they will take a nap.

Caffeine is a stimulant that turns on our minds instantly. But, an excess amount of caffeine is poisonous for pups. The condition caused is “Caffeine toxicity.”

Symptoms Of Caffeine Toxicity:

Caffeine damages significant organs like the lungs, heart, liver, and kidneys. The addition of sugar in sodas can also cause “pancreatitis.” 

It raises blood pressure and leads to cardiac arrhythmias.

Sodas have a high amount of caffeine in them. It is why we feel energetic instantly. If your pooch ingests a glass or two, it will have negative consequences. Hence, dogs shouldn’t drink soda.

Your dog will become hyperactive due to an increased heart rate

Your dog will become hyperactive due to an increased heart rate. They don’t want to lie still and may vocalize excessively. It also causes vomiting, which is a beneficial side effect. Vomiting expels all the caffeine out of their system.

Some dogs may experience fever and weakness too. In severe cases, caffeine toxicity causes seizures and tremors.

How much Is Too Much?

Apart from dogs, cats are also caffeine sensitive. A small sip or lick won’t harm your dog, but you still need to know the exact amount.

The afore-mentioned symptoms start around 30 minutes and last for 12 or more hours.

The cruelty of the signs depends on the amount ingested and the size of the dog. If your pup is small as a Chihuahua or as big as a GSD, 9mg/pound can cause the above symptoms.

Severe symptoms are visible at 20mg/pound. There are high chances of seizures and death, around 75-100mg/pound.

How Is Caffeine Toxicity Treated?

If you suspect that your pup has chugged a whole can of soda, look for the symptoms in the next 30 minutes. Call the vet as soon as the signs are visible.

The first thing the vet will do is to induce vomiting. In this way, the toxins leave the system before it enters into the bloodstream.

Your dog will receive IV fluids to prevent dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea. The IV fluids also support kidney function.

There are other medications to treat muscle tremors, seizures, and irregular blood pressure. These medicines will stabilize the heartbeat.

In some cases, the vet may catheterize your pup’s bladder to prevent reabsorption of caffeine.

Can Dogs Drink Coke?

Coke is also a type of carbonated drink commonly called “soda.” Like any other fizzy drink, dogs cannot drink coke.

We see many videos where coke helps to degrease engines. Imagine what it will do to your furry friend!

Coke also contains sugar and caffeine, which is lethal for pooches in high dosages. A coke can have 40 to 60 mg of caffeine, while the deadly dosage is 75mg/pound. D

You may munch on a bag of cheez-its along with coke and both are harmful to dogs. It is hard for smaller dogs to process caffeine and additives. Hence, you should avoid giving it.

Dogs are a lot different from humans. Our digestive system processes food fast and differently. For example, our kidneys, liver, and lungs are bigger than dogs.

Then, how can you expect your dog’s system to consume coke easily?

You shouldn’t leave your coke or any soda unattended on the table. Even if the can has a seal, your dog can pierce its teeth through it.

Like every other soda, coke also has the same symptoms. These signs include:

  • Hyperactivity
  • Increased heart rate
  • Excessive vocalization
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Tremors
  • Seizures

Why Fresh Water Is The Best Option For Dogs?

According to vets, fresh water is the best drinking option for pups. If your pup is thirsty, only give them plain water. Juices, fizzy drink or even sparkling water, isn’t good for them.

Dogs eat multiple times during the day. Hence, it is necessary to keep a limit on their calories. Adding flavored drinks to their diet will only increase the calorie count.

While plain water is low in calories, it also has the following benefits:

  • Helps in regulating body temperature
  • Lubricates the joints
  • Flushes wastes and toxins from the body
  • Helps in digestion
  • Maintains skin elasticity

6 Other Harmful Liquids For Dogs

We gave you the answer to; can dogs drink soda. But here is something else you must know!

You may think that your pup feels bored with the same old H20. Before they start searching for other drinks in your kitchen. Have a look at the drinks which are not suitable for dogs:

1) Milk:

Most dogs are lactose intolerant. It means that their bodies do not produce the enzyme lactase.

This enzyme helps them to breakdown lactose into a digestible form. As milk contains lactose, most dogs cannot digest it. This results in vomiting and diarrhea.

2) Tea:

Tea contains caffeine, which is dangerous to dogs. We might need a cup or two to function throughout the day. But it is lethal for dogs.

If your canine partner drinks too much or munches on a teabag, the results are negative.

3) Coffee:

Like tea, coffee also has caffeine. A lick won’t be harmful but eating coffee grounds or drinking more than 9mg/pound is dangerous.

Coffee consists of methylxanthines in abundance

Coffee consists of methylxanthines in abundance. This dangerous substance is also found in tea and chocolates.

4) Alcohol:

This liquid is highly toxic to dogs. Alcohol consists of ethanol. It is rapidly absorbed in the bloodstream within 30 minutes.

It can result in symptoms like; breathing problems, diarrhea, and vomiting. In severe cases, it causes decreased coordination, CNS depression, tremors, or death.

5) Sports Drink:

Athletes benefit from an extra dose of electrolytes and sodium after an exercise. Dogs don’t need such drinks after performing activities.

If your furry friend is exerting themselves, plain water is perfect for them.

6) Coconut Milk And Water:

Most dog owners use coconut oil to help their pets get rid of dryness and itchiness.

When it comes to giving coconut milk or water, the advice is different.

It contains a high amount of potassium, which isn’t recommended for dogs. Too much coconut water or the flesh will cause digestive upset.

Final Words:

A little amount of soda won’t kill your dog. But, you should avoid it at all costs.

Freshwater is the best drink your dog can have. If your dog is craving sweets, buy him some dog treats. Such snacks are solely made for pups. And it won’t harm your canine in any way.

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