Can Dogs Eat Sauerkraut

Can Dogs Eat Sauerkraut – Does it Have Any Benefits for Pooches?

A combination of sauerkraut with different fast foods is great. But is greatness only limited for humans to enjoy? Most of us have dogs as pets. So, if you wish to serve them your sideline of sauerkraut, you may think Can Dogs Eat Sauerkraut?

The good news is; your dog can have sauerkraut. This tasty topping is highly nutritious and can provide many benefits to your pooch. However, moderation is necessary.

But, that’s not all. There is much more stuff to learn about Sauerkraut and how well dogs respond to it. We shall discuss the details below in this article.

You also don’t need to worry about what to feed them because you can check our complete guides on feeding them Cheetos, Sour cream, Cream cheese, Olives, Raw bacon, TeaBasil but with proper cautions.

What is Sauerkraut? Is It Real Or Not?

The word sauerkraut means “sour cabbage”. It is a fermented food made from finely chopped cabbage. This nutritious vegetable undergoes lactic acid fermentation. This is the reason behind its longer shelf life and distinct flavor.

If you’ve ever eaten kimchi, then it’s easy to guess the taste of sauerkraut. It is a popular sideline with a variety of salty meat in Germany. Reportedly, this condiment originated in china and curing occurs using rice wine. Whereas, in Germany, people make it by curing cabbage.

1) Can Dogs Eat Sauerkraut?

Yes! Dogs can have Sauerkrauts. Dogs will love to eat any amount of Sauerkrauts you bring to them. It is completely safe for your pooches, as long as you are feeding in moderated amounts.

Not only it is a safe condiment but a beneficial one too. The dog’s body absorbs heavy metal and toxins from time to time. Sauerkraut is also helpful in this regard by flushing them out.

Since it undergoes fermentation it comprises cancer-fighting probiotics and antioxidants too. Like humans have healthy and harmful bacteria in their bodies, dogs do too.

Prebiotics act as a good agent to fight the bad agents. You’ll find the details further in the article. Fermentation is the hero of this dish. It also provides vitamins B, K2, and C.

These nutrients are also necessary for the dog’s metabolic activities.

Plus, it has nutrients that will help older dogs to keep their health in good condition. All in all, sauerkraut is a beneficial food item for pooches. So, if you sit down to have some, your doggo can enjoy it with you.

2) What Ingredients Does Sauerkraut Have?

Till now we have told you that this food item comes from fermentation. But, what ingredients does it require to make a healthy treat for your dog?

Have a look below!

1) Cabbage:

Cabbage is one of the highly nutritious food, you’ll find for your dog. And it’s common sense, you cannot make the German variant of this dish without cabbage.

This ingredient is the main reason, that sauerkraut is beneficial for pooches. Yet, giving them in high amounts can have the opposite effects.

Therefore, always give a regulated amount of sauerkraut to your pet. You can develop the taste initially by slowly introducing it in small bites.

2) Kosher Salt:

Besides cabbage, kosher salt also pops up the flavor of Sauerkraut. Like most salts, it has the same components. It has potassium, sodium chloride, iron, and zinc. But what makes it stand out? it is not iodinated.

Most pets including dogs cannot tolerate high sodium levels. So keep it minimal as you don’t want a negative effect on them. If the condition worsens, give plenty of water to cure dehydration and other problems.

3) Flavoring ingredients:

Some people love to add other ingredients. These can include vegetables and fruits like carrots, apples, and pears. Ensure that you check with the vet if your pooch has an allergic reaction to them.

Some readymade sauerkrauts can contain ingredients toxic to dogs. Onions, garlic, and caraway seeds are such ingredients.

Types of Sauerkraut

Following are the types of sauerkraut you can find:

1) Homemade:

It is the best form of sauerkraut that a dog can have. As it is free from preservatives, additives, pesticides. This fermented form is healthier than raw cabbage for dogs.

2) Canned:

Canned foods contain a lot of sodium to increase shelf life. So, before giving this type of sauerkraut, keep a check on the sodium levels.

For a 33-pound dog, 200 mg of sodium chloride in a day is enough.

3) Store-bought:

Apart from canned food, another cheap option is store-bought sauerkraut. However, it is a bad option as it contains poor ingredients. It is better to feed what you make in your home. Like the canned option, look for low sodium level brands.

4) Cooked:

It is okay to give cooked sauerkraut to dogs. But due to their strong aroma and strong taste, some dogs might refuse it.

Nutrients in Sauerkraut

If you’re searching for the proper breakdown of nutrients in this sour side dish. Have a look below at what 1 cup has to offer your dog.

  • Carbohydrates – 6g
  • Potassium – 241 mg
  • Protein – 1.3g
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B-6
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Iron

Health Benefits for Dogs

If you’re looking for detailed benefits of the above nutrients. Read down below!

1) Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Green leafy vegetables like sauerkraut have phytonutrients. They are anti-inflammatory antioxidants in nature. It helps to reduce muscular and joint pain in dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Sauerkraut

The probiotics in this food also have anti-inflammatory properties. Not only skeletal system gains benefit. But it improves allergies and reduces infection too.

2) Cardio-Vascular Strength:

The fermentation process is the champion here! The fermentation process adds plenty of probiotics. This helps lower cholesterol levels in old-aged dogs.

It helps the dogs to lose weight and aid in good heart health. This is possible due to the presence of fat absorption compounds.

3) Gastrointestinal Strength:

Along with prebiotics present in the dish, it is also rich in fiber. Both of them together help improve and maintain gut health.

Can Dogs Eat Sauerkraut

Fiber takes care of bloating, constipation and flatulence . While prebiotics handles reduction in gastric ulcers and chronic diarrhea in dogs.

4) Boost Immune System:

Vitamin C is a vital element for boosting the immune system. One cup of sauerkraut has an adequate amount of it. It assists in white blood cell production and cellular regeneration.

Another benefit of vitamin C is collagen formation. The dog’s body needs it for the development of organs, blood vessels, muscles, and bones. Foods like cilantro are also helpful in boosting immune health.

5) Bone Health:

Vitamin K2 is present in sauerkraut. It helps to maintain a strong skeletal structure. As the dog ages, its ability to use minerals decreases. So, intake of adequate nutrients at a young age helps in maintaining bone health in adult dogs.

6) Skin And Coat Health:

Every dog owner wants to keep the coat of their dog healthy. This Vitamin A and carotene in sauerkraut are helpful. They act as antioxidants and helps in tissue growth.

If your dog itchy, or dull coats, they may have a vitamin A deficiency. Along with that, carotene keeps cataracts and other eye problems at bay.

Can Dogs Eat Sauerkraut – Conclusion:

In the end, we know the answer to can dogs eat sauerkraut. However, like every other food, you should also give this in moderation.

Keep a check on the sodium level intake of your pooch. The required amount of sodium depends if your dog is small as a pom or huge as a GSD.

Start with adding small amounts to their daily food. In this way, your pooch will get used to the flavor and will eventually enjoy it.

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