Can Dogs Eat Peaches? 3 Things to Consider!

Garden-fresh, juicy and delicious! Peaches are one of the most flavorful fruits of summer. It is very hard to resist refreshing summer fruits. As pet owners, we also want to share our yummy treats with our dogs.

So, the question that pops up here is can dogs eat peaches safely? The simple answer is yes! But with some cautions.

Dogs are carnivores and their main diet must be meat. So, fruits should only be fed in moderation. Human foods that are fine for dogs can also cause stomach upset if consumed in excessive amounts.

Let’s talk about peaches here. Can dogs eat peaches? Are peaches safe for dogs? And what factors should be considered before feeding your dog peaches?

Read more about human foods dogs can consume like okra, cherries, guava, shrimp, and cereal, etc.

Are Peaches Safe for Dogs?

Peaches are safe for dogs and offer various health benefits. Peaches are a powerhouse of fiber, Vitamin A, C, and E, antioxidants, and more.

1) Health Benefits of Peaches:

Vitamin A maintains healthy skin while Vitamin C improves the immune system. Vitamin E helps in maintaining metabolism and cell function. It also strengthens oxidative damage defense. Lack of Vitamin E causes muscle degeneration and reproductive problems.

Can Dogs Eat Peaches

Peaches are also rich in minerals such as potassium, copper, phosphorus, and manganese which are essential for a dog’s health. Potassium regulates blood pressure.

Antioxidants prevent diseases like tumors and cancers.

The fiber content in peaches improves digestive health and reduces the risk of constipation.

Peaches also improve your dog’s heart health and cholesterol.

Are Peaches Bad for Dogs?

Like any other human food, peaches should not take up a permanent place in your dog’s diet. Peaches may cause stomach upset which can lead to severe diarrhea.

Peaches also have a dominant sugar content and we know that a lot of sugar consumption causes obesity and diabetes in dogs.

When it comes to dog treats, we must use the 90/10% rule. That means 90% of your dog’s diet should be its proper dog food while treats should only make 10% of the diet.

You should talk to your Vet to get a serving size recommendation according to your dog’s dietary needs.

3 Things to Consider While Feeding Your Dog Peaches

There are a few dangers that you need to take care of while feeding peaches to your dog. You can avoid the following hazards to safely serve your dog a peach as a summer treat.

1.  Pesticides:

Most commercially produced fruits are sprayed with pesticides. Pesticides can be lethal to your dog. So before serving peach to your dog make sure to wash it properly.

2.  Pit or Stone:

The main risk with peach is its pit or stone. Amygdalin is a sugar-cyanide compound that is present in peach stones. Cyanide is toxic to dogs however a single stone cannot cause poisoning.

Signs of Cyanide Poisoning in Dogs:

  • Red Gums
  • Vomiting
  • Dilated pupils
  • Severe panting
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Abdominal pain
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Gagging

Some other risks with peach pits are choking and intestinal blockage. If a dog eats a whole peach, there is a risk of choking in his throat and stones can also cause intestinal blockage. Moreover, the rough, serrated surface of the peach pit can irritate the esophagus and intestines.

3.  Stem and Leaves:

Stem and leaves also contain cyanide. So, if you pick peaches yourself from the tree or a farmer’s market make sure to remove them before giving a peach to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Canned Peaches?

Canned peaches or any other preserved fruit is a big no for dogs. Canned products have a lot of sugar, artificial sweeteners, flavors, and preservatives.

Excessive sugar consumption can lead to obesity and diabetes in dogs while artificial sweeteners like xylitol are highly toxic to dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Peach Yogurt?

Flavored yogurt also contains sugar and preservatives so peach yogurt is not healthy for your pooch. Yogurt can be problematic for dogs who are lactose intolerant.

If your dog can eat yogurt, you can prepare peach yogurt at home by mixing plain yogurt and pulp of fresh peach. Always introduce a small amount of new food to see if his body can digest it or not.

If you see any symptoms of uneasiness, it’s better to avoid giving him the same food again. However, if everything seems okay you should still keep the amount minimum so that your doggy stays healthy.

Can Dogs Eat Peach Jam?

Feeding your dog peach jam can be risky. Fruit jams contain heaps of sugar and are highly processed. Peach jam can upset your dog’s stomach. Moreover, a lot of sugar intake can damage your dog’s teeth and cause obesity.

Most of the artificial fruit jams contain a sweetener called xylitol which is lethal to dogs. So, stay away from feeding your dog peach jam.

Can Dogs Eat Peach Ice Cream?

Does your dog like frozen treats? Like yogurt ice cream is not good for dogs who are lactose intolerant. In addition, ice creams also contain sugar and xylitol which can risk your dog’s health.

Can Dogs Eat Peaches

If your dog enjoys frozen treats, you can cut the fresh peach into cubes and freeze it to give your dog as a cold occasional treat.

Key Takeaway:

While peaches are safe to eat for dogs you should still use the 10% rule while giving treats to your feline friend. Remember moderation is the key while feeding your dog any human food.

Starting with a small portion is suggested to see how your dog’s body responds to the new food. You can increase the amount a little bit if your dog feels okay and happy.

Only fresh and organic peaches are safe and healthy for dogs. Make sure to remove the stone, stem, and leaves. Any kind of commercially produced peach jams and yogurts can risk your dog’s life.

If your dog feels any discomfort like difficulty in breathing, cough, or hives after eating a whole peach accidentally, immediately speak to your Vet.

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