Do Pomskies Shed

Do Pomskies Shed? Things No One Will Tell You About a Pomsky!

As a pet parent having a cute dog is the most adorable feeling ever. A Pomsky might look like the dog of your dreams but before getting one, there are multiple factors that you should consider. Hair shedding is the most important of all. So, do Pomskies shed?

Yes! They shed a lot. Getting a Pomsky is like signing up for an extra job. They naturally shed all year long and their undercoats endure two seasonal sheds.

Do you think a Pomsky is a good choice for you? Well, in this post I am going to tell you everything you can expect from a Pomsky’s coat.

How Much Do Pomskies Shed? Coats and What to Expect?

All dog breeds shed and so does the Pomskies. You can consider a Pomsky to be a medium to heavy shedding breed. Though it’s not the heaviest shedding breed known to us they have enough mess of fur to deal with.

So, before signing up for this job and investing in expensive grooming and cleaning equipment, keep on reading this article!

1) Fun Facts About Pomskies:

A Pomsky is a crossbreed of the famous toy breed perky Pomeranian and the regal and warm Siberian Husky.

A Pomsky is surprisingly a designer crossbreed which resembles Huskies in appearance but grows like Pomeranians between 20-30 pounds.

It surprises many people that how tiny Pomeranians can find their roots in cold northern climates. Siberian Husky and Pomeranians both have a thick undercoat and a great deal of fur.

So, their cubs ‘Pomskies’ get a lot of furs too. In fact, you can say Pomskies have abundant fur to shed!

If you are considering getting a Pomsky, you must know how far its shedding can take you and how you can deal with its routine and seasonal shedding.

You can read more about husky traits like aggression, bark, and howl.

1) Routine Shedding:

Everyday shedding is quite normal for every living being with hair or fur. Because shedding is a process to remove damaged and dead hair and replacing them with new growth.

Dogs living in cold temperatures exhibit minimal shedding. But, Pomskies experience temperature and seasonal changes because they live mostly indoors and with their owners. Routine shedding is normal in all crossbreeds.

Also, everyday shedding is not that intense that you need to remove your carpets or cover your furniture. However, you may see some hair in your house or on your clothes, etc.

2) Seasonal Shedding:

Seasonal sheds are very much intense because Pomskies totally blow out their coat twice a year. You may be wondering why do Pomskies shed their coat fully?

Well, one seasonal shed happens in spring because their bodies are preparing for warm temperatures. So, Pomskies shed their undercoat completely in spring and replace it with a relatively lighter and thin kind of coat.

Secondly, in fall Pomskies again shed their summer coat and replace it with much dense and warm coat for winters.

Do Pomskies Shed

Again, seasonal sheds are also normal. It is a sign that your Pomsky is doing well. Seasonal shedding can last for several weeks.

It’s a bit of a hassle because you will see bunches of hair all over your house and that fleecy hair can easily fill a large trash bag.

5 Things That Impact a Pomsky’s Shedding

Although, shedding is considered normal in healthy Pomskies certain factors can make a Pomsky exhibit excessive shedding. These are:

1) Genetics:

Siberian Huskies are a quite heavy shedding as compared to Pomeranians. So, if a Pomsky has more significant Husky traits, it is likely to shed more. In contrast, a Pomsky with dominant Pomeranian genes will shed a little less.

2) Nutrition:

Adequate and proper nutrition plays a significant role in the health of any dog breed. As long as a dog is fed with proper and nutritious food, it will not shed abnormally or as much as an unhealthy dog.

Health issues like malnutrition, injury, parasites, etc. can cause excessive shedding.

3) Seasons:

A Pomsky’s body is naturally designed to respond to temperature changes. So, the change in temperature and season affects how much a Pomsky will shed.

4) Stress:

What? Stress? Do dogs suffer from stress? Yes, they do!

Do Pomskies Shed

Any change in your dog’s routine such as moving to a new place or the absence of any family member your dog likes can cause stress. As a result of stress, you may see a significant change in the amount of shedding.

Whelping and nursing dogs also suffer from stress and shed more.

5) Ignored Grooming:

Ignored grooming can make shedding worse as the hair will make thickets and also it can incorporate infections and discomfort. Infections can lead to other health concerns and significant hair loss.

Ways to Manage a Pomsky’s Shedding

if you get a Pomsky, its lush and dense fur will take over your home. Along hustling with a vacuum cleaner, there are a few ways to manage a Pomsky’s fluffy fur.

1) Regular Brushing:

Brushing helps you take out the dead hair from the fur. But you should know how to brush a Pomsky:

  • Take your Pomsky out of the house either in the backyard or on a walk
  • Before brushing make sure to check for any irritation or cuts
  • Must use a brush with soft bristles so it won’t hurt your Pomsky
  • Slightly brush over the coat to remove tangled or clumped hair
  • After that, you can brush deep into the undercoat
  • Also, you can use a de-shedding shampoo during seasonal sheds to ease shedding and clean the undercoat

2) Healthy and Balanced Diet:

As I told you earlier, a healthy and nutritious diet is very important for all dog breeds. What you can do for your Pomsky is to add nutritional supplements along with a healthy diet.

Supplements are high in Vitamin E and Omega fatty acids that nourish the skin and fur. Talk to your Vet before introducing any supplements to your Pomsky so that your Pomsky don’t miss professional advice.

How Much Grooming A Pomsky Need?

Most Pomsky owners recommend brushing the Pomsky every few days or once per week. This practice makes sure that your Pomsky’s hair will not make clumps and stay shiny, lush, and healthy.

During seasonal sheds, you will have to increase the hassle a bit more. Brushing twice per day is suggested during heavy shedding to remove loose hairs. Otherwise, you will see piles of hair throughout your house.

Do Pomskies Shed? Conclusion:

Pomskies are medium to heavy shedders. They shed throughout the year but undergo two major seasonal sheds in fall and spring.

Grooming a Pomsky is a bit of a hassle. So, if you want to get a Pomsky, make sure you can commit to regular grooming. Unfortunately, a Pomsky can’t deal with negligence.

However, these designer dogs are adorable and the best family pets!

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