Are Huskies Aggressive

Are Huskies Aggressive? A Guide For Husky Lovers

Huskies, with their luscious coat and shining eyes, tend to attract every dog lover. People call them as wild wolves. But, are huskies aggressive? Most people say that huskies have an aggressive temperament. But, what does the research say?

In this article we shall discover facts if huskies are dangerous, what kind of nature do they have, and much more!

Huskies And Their Nature

Huskies are closely related to wolves. Not all dogs are descendants of the wolf’s family but Siberian huskies are one of them. This the reason their howling represents that of wolves.

1) Nature Of Huskies:

Their nature is similar to sled dogs. The Chukchi people of North-East Asia bred the huskies for transportation purposes.

Huskies work hard in freezing temperatures

Huskies work hard in freezing temperatures that depicts their temperament. Usually, huskies are lively canines that are quite friendly to humans.

They require plenty of exercise throughout the day to remain fit and healthy. As they live in cold/freezing regions, physical activities keep their body warm.

Simple activities like walking, running, or hiking is best for huskies. Some owners say that they need a maximum of two hours of exercise each day.

While you take your furry friend out for a walk keep a watch on them. Their curious nature will cause them to run and chase things around them. Huskies with their free spirit and independent nature get them distracted easily.

All in all, huskies have a friendly and loving temperament. They make great pets and are a good breed if you are searching to adopt a dog.

2) Are Huskies Aggressive?

Generally speaking, huskies are not an aggressive breed. These dogs have docile nature, but in some circumstances, huskies can become aggressive.

There are many possible reasons that your husky is violent. But, there are many ways to calm them down.

Before taking any steps, you must know the reason behind your husky’s aggressiveness.

Important notice: Huskies shed less as compare to other heavy shedding dogs. Corgis is the best example. But, if you are prone to allergies, avoid heavy shedding breeds.

3) Are Huskies Dangerous?

Are huskies aggressive? Both yes and no. But what about, “are huskies dangerous or not?”

“A dog with thousand expressions”- that’s what a husky is famous for

“A dog with thousand expressions”– that’s what a husky is famous for. They are, no doubt, very loving and not dangerous at all.

However, sometimes dogs can become aggressive and dangerous at the same time. If you think your husky can become dangerous, you can try the methods that we mentioned above.

Regardless of the breed, dogs have the potential to misbehave sometimes. As a pet owner, you need to closely examine the underlying cause. These factors comprise how they were brought up, their history, and genetic tendency.

You must train your husky from the earliest stage. So, that they do not attack a person or another animal for any reason. Unless they were trying to defend themselves or their owner.

Huskies are mid-sized dogs, but they have the capability to become dangerous. You must not underestimate that how physically strong they are with unlimited energy.

These canines can swiftly become a threat when aggressive. You should accurately use their physical abilities. You must never allow the dog to become aggressive towards others. They must never treat them disrespectfully.

4) What Other Breeds Are Aggressive?

Not only huskies but there are quite a few breeds that can exhibit aggressiveness. It is kind of a sweeping statement to call every dog an aggressive one.

Below we have mentioned few breeds that have made their way on our aggressive breeds list. Have a look!

A) Pit Bulls:

Most of you might know about this one! Pitbulls aren’t a breed that has not only gained the reputation as an aggressive dog but a dangerous one too.

B) Chihuahuas:

You might have found this one surprising! Chihuahuas are the oldest dog breeds in the world. They are also known for their courageousness and intelligence. If these pooches are not trained properly, they can become quite nasty and dangerous.

C) Dachshunds:

In old days Dachshunds used to hunt fierce badgers. their little legs help them to follow those creatures into their burrows and kill them! This fighting instinct of Dachshunds explains everything. It shows how dangerous and fearsome they can become, if not trained properly.

7 Reasons Behind Huskies Aggressiveness

Like every other behavior, aggressiveness also has its reason. You need to look for clues to figure where the problem lies.

Below, we have mentioned several reasons. These will help you find the right method to treat your dog’s aggressiveness:

1) Treatment Of Previous Owners:

If the previous owner mistreated your dog, it may show aggression towards the new one. This is a common sight when you adopt huskies from shelters.

If the previous owner mistreated husky, it may show aggression towards the new one

This case is not too dangerous. You can build a good relationship with your pet as time passes. But, if the situation is out of control, you can consult a professional behaviorist.

2) Emotional Attachment:

Your own emotions play a great role in how your husky reacts. If you are emotional every time around them, they will also become highly emotional.

If huskies are aggressive, chances are that you show such emotions in front of them. Giving time to exercise and playing around with them helps calm aggressiveness.

3) Your Behaviour With The Husky:

Another reason is your behavior with the husky. If you are violent with your pet itself, your husky will show aggressiveness in return.

As aforementioned, huskies respond to their owner’s emotions. Your aggressive behavior will make them act similarly.

There are times when your husky will depict the feeling of resentment. This behavior is a replacement for aggressiveness. Because they are unable to understand your emotions.

Train them calmly and reinforce positive behavior. It will definitely do wonders!

4) Exercise Routine:

Huskies need plenty of exercise. If they don’t get enough physical activities, they will get bored. One of the reasons why huskies howl is lack of exercise.

If you don’t want your pooch to develop behavioral issues, take them out and indulge in activities for two hours. You will notice their behavior settling down, once they have an active routine.

5) Socialization At Young Age:

If the husky didn’t get to play around with its pack and didn’t socialize as a puppy. There are high chances, your husky will become aggressive as they grow older.

If the husky didn’t get to play around with its pack and didn’t socialize as a puppy

The lack of socialization affects their personality. It is hard for the Huskies to trust other humans as well as other dogs in such cases.

6) Marking Their Territory:

Huskies are very protective. If they feel like somebody is invading their territory, they will show aggression.

Dogs are also protective of their owner. You can see this behavior when someone else approaches the door. It is also noticeable you are around other people.

7) They Are Experiencing Pain Or Discomfort:

Another reason is of your husky being aggressive is pain. Any underlying pain or discomfort might cause husky to exhibit such behavior. Your pooch may show signs like limping.

If you aren’t able to detect any problem that is causing sudden aggression, you should take your husky to the vet.

How To Make Huskies Less Aggressive? – 6 Effective Ways

Before you look for ways to calm down your husky, it is essential to know the underlying cause. Below, we have discussed plenty of ways that will make your husky less aggressive. Have a look at them below:

1) Rewarding Mechanism:

Another word for the rewarding mechanism is positive reinforcement training. This kind of drill will help you get the desired outcome from your husky.

Whenever you see them being good dogs, reward them by giving their favorite treat. As dogs love to have human snacks you can give some of your Cheetos!

2) Avoid Ignoring Bad Behaviour:

If your husky is being aggressive and stubborn, stop fulfilling its demands. Instead of giving their desired object or food, try to figure out how to redirect this behavior.

Once, you’ve done this it will become easy to train the pooch on your commands.

You shouldn’t also let the pooch do whatever they want

You shouldn’t also let the pooch do whatever they want. This will make your life hard as a husky owner when you’re around other people.

3) Avoid Punishing Your Husky:

You don’t have to become too strict and angry with your pet. Dogs have very sensitive personalities. If you punish them for their behavior, it may exaggerate the aggressiveness.

As afore-mentioned, positive reinforcement training is a way to calm him down. If you don’t want your dog to become resentful, you must avoid being harsh with your husky.

4) Give Them Lots Of Exercise Time:

As we mentioned above, that dogs can become aggressive when they feel bored. Huskies require a lot of exercises daily to remain active.

If huskies don’t get enough physical activity, they will develop behavioral problems. Their playtime comprises of the exercise. Take a walk with them, or play fetch, dogs love it!

5) Consistency Is The Key:

You shouldn’t expect the results in a day or two. Every husky comes from the same breed. But, their personality may differ from one another.

You shouldn’t expect changes after one training session. Sometimes it may take a week or two to see drastic changes in your husky. Otherwise, it can take months to see good results.

6) Seek Help From A Dog Trainer:

It is okay if you can’t figure how to cure your dog’s aggressiveness. That’s what trainers are for!

If you see your husky getting aggressive and can become dangerous. The perfect option is to get the help of a dog behaviorist or a trainer. After getting expert help, it will show you exactly what you need to do with your husky safely.

Are Huskies Aggressive? – Final Thoughts:

All in all, huskies aren’t aggressive in nature. One thing to consider is to look at when your husky initially started being aggressive. Some events might’ve triggered this behavior.

If it started being aggressive suddenly. Then they might’ve injured themselves or faced mistreatment. Your husky’s aggressiveness can be a signal for communication too.

Second thing is to consider is at what time they exhibit aggressiveness. If it is around a specific time, then they are fearful of something. By using the methods, you can train your husky to become more friendly and less aggressive.

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