Do Pitbulls Shed? Things To Know Before Owning One!

Understanding the complexities of dog shedding is a vital aspect of owning a dog. You must clear all doubts and gain the necessary knowledge before making a pup a part of your family. So, do Pitbulls shed?

Are you considering adopting (there are many dogs in shelter homes that need your love and comfort, try adopting a dog instead of buying one!) a Pitbull?

Looking for a family-friendly dog while also being low maintenance?

Are Pitbull’s hypoallergenic?

Wondering if Pitbull’s shed?

Is the thread of thoughts revolving around your brain confusing you? Fret not!

In this article, we will discuss at great lengths everything you must know about Pitbull shedding and how to solve that issue.

What Is A Pitbull?

A Pitbull is a descendant of a bulldog and a terrier. They were initially developed for dog fights.

Pitbulls are most commonly known as American Pitbull Terrier. They were trained to be aggressive towards other dogs in the ring. The dog that survived till the end won its owner an award.

Dog fights are one of the reasons why Pitbulls are misinterpreted as violent and aggressive dogs. They can be aggressive towards other dogs but love humans and are very obedient.

The four most common Pitbull breeds highlight the combined features of a bulldog and a terrier.

4 Most Common Pitbull Breeds

The 4 most common Pitbull breeds are :

  1. The American Bully
  2. American Staffordshire Terrier
  3. Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  4. American Pitbull Terrier

What Is A Pitbulls Coat?

A dog’s coat refers to the hair or the fur that covers its body. Some dogs are double-coated. Double-coated dogs have an undercoat with soft hair and a topcoat with a rough and coarse hair texture.

Topcoat of dogs prevent injuries

Having a topcoat prevents a dog from getting injuries. It acts as a protective shield, which is why the hair on the topcoat is also known as guard hair.

In the case of Pitbulls, they only have a single coat or a hair coat. They do not have an extra layer to provide insulation that an undercoat offers.

A Pitbull’s single coat results in less shedding compared with other dog breeds.

However, it is crucial to point out that Pitbulls are not hypoallergenic dogs. They shed, and their short, barely noticeable hair can lead to an allergic reaction in people with active allergies.

Do Pitbulls Shed?

Dogs have various breeds, and most dogs shed a ton. But do Pitbulls shed? Yes, Pitbulls do shed, but the shedding is minimal. Like the vast majority of dogs, Pitbulls shed hair to get rid of damaged hair.

Contrary to popular belief about the absence of Pitbull shedding due to their single coat, they shed a lot.

However, it may be significant to point out that due to the presence of a short and single coat; Pitbulls do not need frequent haircuts.

Hence, they make a perfect fit for someone who finds frequent hair and fur maintenance tiring.

Reasons why a pitbull shed

As a dog owner, you need to gain a deep insight into the reasons why Pitbulls shed and what you can do to avoid that.

Excessive shedding can be a grave issue and needs significant attention. There may be an underlying issue in your Pitbull, resulting in excessive shedding.

We know that Pitbulls shed, even though the hair is barely noticeable.  You can also check articles related to shedding in different breeds like Greyhounds or Great Dane.

But for now, let us now look at a few reasons why Pitbulls shed.

7 Reasons Why Pitbulls Shed

So far now we have come to know that Pitbulls do shed, now we will discuss what are the most common reasons that cause a pitbull to shed. Following are the reasons discussed in detail:

1) Improper Diet Leads To Pitbulls Shedding:

An improper diet can be dangerous for your Pit. They need to eat a balanced diet with the right nutrients.

Oftentimes, they can have an allergic reaction to some of the ingredients in their food.

Consult your vet to know more about what foods are best suited to your pup.

2) Allergies May Cause Pitbulls to shed:

Like humans, dogs are allergic to various things. Researchers claim that an ingredient ingested by dogs causes 10% of dog allergies.

Various allergies causes pitbulls shedding

Genetic allergies are common in many dogs and can cause a great deal of fur loss or even bald patches!

Even though it is normal for them to be chewing grass on a walk, they can be allergic to it. (Check out “Is Your Dog Eating Grass Frantically?” to know more about your canine friend’s relationship with grass)

3) Seasonal Changes Causes Pitbulls To Shed:

Melatonin has proven to tamper with healthy hair growth. Pitbulls shed the most during seasonal changes. They shed their winter coat to prepare themselves for the summer and vice versa.

4) Infections:

Fungal infections such as Ringworm affect the hair follicles of your Terrier. Hair follicles become weak, and your dog starts shedding hair.

Fungal infection causes pitbulls shedding

Infections can lead to the appearance of bald, round, and scaly patches of hair loss on the coat. You must immediately contact your vet as soon you notice these patches on your dog’s coat.

5) Hormonal Changes: 

After giving birth to their little ones, female dogs shed a ton. This is due to the hormonal changes taking place in their body.

5) Parasites: 

A Pitbull’s single coat makes them more susceptible to mites and parasites. They are sensitive and more prone to skin diseases as well, leading to excessive shedding.

Symptoms Of Parasites: 

  • Diarrhea
  • Dull coat
  • Weight loss

7) Stress Or Anxiety:

Separation anxiety contributes to excessive shedding. Just like huskies, Pitbulls form strong bonds with their packs. When you bring them into your home, they consider you a part of their pack.

If you have been away from your pup for a long time, it may develop separation anxiety and start shedding hair. You can also give a sip or two from your non-caffeinated tea to your dog to reduce stress.

How Much Do Pitbulls Shed?

The American Pitbull Terrier shed a little bit of hair all year round, but they shed the most twice a year. The 4 most common breeds of Pitbulls shed differently. Some shed more than the others. They are single-coated dogs with hair of short length.

4 Methods To Control Pitbull Shedding?

Veterinarians recommend immediately consulting them if your Pitbull extensively sheds hair. Only a veterinarian will be able to diagnose your dog accurately. They can figure out the root cause of an underlying issue and guide you about the next steps to take.

However, in the case of infrequent shedding, you may want to follow the following ways in an attempt to control that.

1) Brushing:

Maintaining your dog’s appearance and health are both important. When it comes to maintaining your Pitbull’s appearance, it is fairly simple and not a daunting task at all.

Brush your dog twice or thrice a week

You will only need to brush your Pitbull twice or thrice a week. Brushing will keep its blood circulation going and distribute the natural oils. Remember to brush the coat in circular motions and in the direction of the hair growth.

You may want to invest in a bristle brush for your Pitbull. It is best for small and short coats and will effectively get rid of any loose hair and dead skin cells.

A pin brush is an inexpensive tool that can help maintain your Pitbull’s shiny coat. Pin brushes help regulate blood flow and keep hair loss at par.

During excessive shedding times, a de-shedding tool will help rid of excessive fur. It will help remove any debris or dirt that accumulates throughout the day or week. De-shedding tools are generally affordable and prove beneficial in the long run.

2) Diet:

Pitbulls are muscular and strong dogs. Consequently, the food they eat must be rich in proteins and nutrients. Incorporating the right nutrients in your dog’s diet is an imperative step you must take as a dog owner.

Adding omega -3 and fatty acids in your dog’s diet can help not only improve its immune system but also make its coat shiny.

Healthy food pevents pitbulls shedding

Premium-quality dog food and supplements such as fish and vegetable oils are excellent sources of omega 3 and fatty acids.

However, the supplements must be according to the needs of your dog. An overdose of any of the ingredients in supplements can be toxic for your dog.

Avoid feeding your Pitbull your own food, such as pickles. It contains high amounts of sodium, which can be toxic to your furry friend’s health. You can try to feed fresh cilantro or Basil to your dogs.

Remember to consult your veterinarian before feeding anything to your dog. It is always better to be safe than sorry!

3) Bathing:

Bathing your Terrier will help eliminate loose fur in the bathroom instead of all over your house.

4) Shampoo:

Using a mild shampoo for your Pitbull’s sensitive skin will really calm and soothe the coat.

Oatmeal is known to have soothing properties. An oatmeal shampoo will be perfect for your Pit’s sensitive skin.

You consult your vet to recommend shampoo’s that are particularly made just for Pitbulls.

Anti-shed shampoos have been proven to decrease hair loss in dogs significantly.

Is Pitbull A Perfect Fit For Me?

There are various features in a Pitbull that make them suitable as a family dog. They seek love and generously offer love. Even the Pitbulls who were trained for dog fights would release their violent traits once a human entered the ring.

Depending on why you would like to own a Pitbull, they come with various pros and cons.

Mentioned below are a few pros and cons of owning a Pitbull.

5 Pros Of Owning A Pitbull

1) They Are Family-Oriented:

Pitbulls love being around people and are one of the most kid-friendly dogs out there! They are also known as ‘nanny’ dogs simply because of their affection towards humans. The American Staffordshire Terrier was particularly developed to be a family-friendly dog.

These people-pleasing dogs are considered one of the most tolerant dog breeds out there.  However, you must train them, like any other dog, before introducing them to your children. You must also supervise your children while they are playing with your pup.

2) They Are Low Maintenance:

Pitbulls can be quickly bathed due to their short hair length. Unlike other dogs such as Goldendoodles and Weimaraners, Terriers do not need frequent haircuts and multiple brushing tools.

3) They Are Intelligent, Quick Learners, And Easy To Train:

You will not have to worry about behavioral issues once your Pitbull is properly trained.

4) They Love To Cuddle:

On gloomy and lonely days, your Pit will be a comfortable and relaxing pillow to cuddle against. They love to cuddle, and their jolly nature will ease your mind instead!

5) They Are Athletic Dogs:

Don’t have a partner to accompany you to your morning jog? Your Pitbull will joyously accompany you! They make the perfect exercise partners because of their history of being athletic. Terriers have also won the most athletic dog breed awards.

4 Cons Of Owning A Pitbull

Have a look at some downsides of adopting a pitbull 

1) They Are Not Hypoallergenic:

Although they shed less frequently compared with other dog breeds, their fur can still tamper people with allergy issues.

2) They Can Be Aggressive Towards Other Dogs:

Their aggressiveness towards other dogs stems from the history of dog fights. Pitbull’s came into existence because people wanted to watch dog fights. Hence, aggressiveness is a part of Pitbull’s DNA.

You may want to think twice before bringing your Terrier to mingle with your friends’ dogs.

3) They Require A Lot Of Attention:

If you are a busy individual and cannot give them the love and attention they seek, it is best not to own a Terrier at all.

4) Legal Restrictions:

 Some countries, such as the United Kingdom, do not permit owning a Pitbull at all. The Dangerous Dogs Act of 1991 makes it illegal for you to own a Pitbull as a pet.


To conclude, do Pitbulls shed? The short answer is yes, they do. But unlike other double-coated dogs, their shedding quantity is minimal.  The lack of an undercoat makes them more sensitive to mites and parasites.

With regular care and attention, your pup will remain healthy and happy.  Pitbulls need minimal maintenance, so grooming them will hardly take up any of your time.

Frequent brushing and a proper diet are the key ingredients you must add to a healthy dog’s recipe. A proper diet will keep your pup’s immune system strong and a shiny coat. With proper brushing with the right tool, you will save your house from being covered in any loose fur.

Before you add anything to your canine friend’s diet, discuss it with a veterinarian. Until the veterinarian approves of the food, do not feed your dog!

Pitbulls are loving, loyal, and extremely funny creatures. Once you bring a Pitbull into your house, you are sure to have an amazing time with their tricks.

As with any dog, you must properly train your Pitbull to avoid any behavioral issues in the future. One of the principal reasons why so many dogs end up in shelter homes is behavioral issues.

An owner’s inability to properly train a dog can also eventually lead to separation anxiety in a dog. As a side note, it is advisable not to pet a Pitbull as your first dog.

So hopefully, this article gave you a greater insight into owning a Pitbull.

Do Pitbulls shed? Yes. But do Pitbulls shed as much as other dog breeds? No.

Pitbulls are beautiful and happy dogs. It is time people end the stigma around them so they can receive the love they rightfully deserve!

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