Can Dogs Eat Plums

Can Dogs Eat Plums? Are Plums Toxic to Dogs?

Our dog’s curiosity about human foods makes us curious too. So, if your dog is snooping on plums, you must want to know can dogs eat plums safely? Or Can plums cause poisoning in dogs?

The brief answer to this curiosity of yours is Yes but with some precautions!

A few bites of plum flesh once in a while is totally fine but there are some risks that you should be aware of before feeding your dog plums.  

Firstly, never give your dog a whole plum to eat. Why? Relax! This post is all about why plums are not healthy for dogs.

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Are Plums Good for Dogs? Benefits!

Whenever we talk about fruits, we hear healthy, nutritious, and of course tasty. A lot of fruits are safe for our dogs. But can dogs eat plums too? Yes, they can!

Plums offer several health benefits that your dog can take advantage of if you feed plums correctly and occasionally.

1. Good Source of Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant for your dog. It boosts immunity, removes harmful chemicals, and reduces inflammation. A slice of plum can act as a vitamin C supplement.

2. Booster Dose of Vitamin A:

Vitamin A is very essential for dogs. It keeps their skin and coats healthy. It also improves eyesight, muscles, and nerves.

Vitamin A is necessary for a dog’s diet. A few bites of plum once in a while will give him a little extra vitamin A to stay healthy.

3. Great Source of Hydration:

Dogs are very energetic and active. They need a good amount of water to stay hydrated. On hot summer days, you must keep a clean and fresh water bowl in their access.

You can also add watery fruits to your dog’s diet as a hydrating snack after consulting with your Vet. Plums contain 87% of water. Your dog can feel refreshed after eating a few bites.

Remember excess of anything can be bad. However, a slice or two won’t hurt.

Why Are Plums Bad for Dogs? Risks!

Even with a lot of benefits, everything has some drawbacks. Plums are nutritious but not healthy for dogs.

Why are plums bad for dogs? Let’s see!

1. High Sugar Content:

Dogs should avoid consuming plums. Although, the flesh of plum is safe to eat the sugar content in plum is so high that it becomes a bad choice for your doggy’s health.

2. The Plum Pit:

Sugar is not the only risk when it comes to feeding your dog plums. There are a lot of toxins present in the plum plant and the plum seed including cyanide, prunasin, amygdalin, and cyanogen.

All these toxins can risk a dog’s life. So, if a dog eats a whole plum and crushes the pit with his teeth, there is a possibility of cyanide poisoning. If the toxins get released into the bloodstream, your dog might suffer from kidney failure or even death.

The plum pit is also sharp and rigid that can irritate your dog’s throat or cause gastrointestinal obstruction especially in smaller dogs.

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What to Do If Your Dog Ate Plum Seed Accidentally?

If your dog has eaten a few bites of plum flesh, he will be fine. However, if he has eaten a whole plum, he can get digestive blockage due to the plum seed. There will be an additional risk if he has crushed the seed with his teeth as the plum pit contains cyanide.

In case of whole plum consumption, you should watch out for the following symptoms and immediately take your dog to a Vet if you see any of these.

  • Stomach pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Depressed energy
  • Skin irritation
  • Coma

A professional Vet might help you by removing the cyanide from your dog’s bloodstream.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions by most dog parents. You may also be wondering;

1. Can a Dog Digest the Plum Pit?

No, dogs are not able to digest plum pits. If a dog has eaten a plum pit, it can suffer from gastrointestinal blockage and constipation.

2. Can Plums Kill Dogs?

The plum flesh is not toxic to dogs. The main life risk is attached to the plum pits. Plum pits contain cyanide which is a chemical toxic to dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Plums

Luckily, a single plum pit will not cause cyanide poisoning. However, it can cause blockage in the intestine.

3. How Much Cyanide Is Present in a Plum Pit?

Amygdalin is the root toxin that breaks down into cyanide. The plum pits of a purple, yellow, and red plum contain 2.16mg/g, 1.54mg/g, and 0.44mg/g of amygdalin respectively.

Amygdalin present in a single fruit pit can produce 0.1-1.1mg/g of cyanide.

4. Can Plums Cause Diarrhea in Dogs?

Yes, plums can cause diarrhea in dogs if consumed in a large amount. The high sugar content of plums usually leads to diarrhea in dogs.

5. What Are the Symptoms of Cyanide Poisoning in Dogs?

Symptoms of cyanide poisoning include:

  • Redness in gums, tongue, and mouth
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Dilated pupils
  • Panting heavily
  • Agitation
  • tremors
  • Rapid breathing
  • Foaming in mouth
  • Seizures
  • collapse

Can Dogs Eat Plums? – Final Thoughts:

A few bites of peeled and sliced plum are perfectly fine for a dog as an occasional snack.

Plum is very healthy and nutritious but the sugar content in plum is very high. A lot of sugar consumption is not healthy for dogs. It can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other health concerns.

There is another risk that you should be careful about and that is the plum seed. It is hard and sharp. It can irritate your dog’s mouth and can cause intestinal obstruction.

Also, it contains toxins. If a dog has consumed plum seed and crushed it with his teeth, he might have cyanide poisoning. In case of any worse symptoms, take your feline friend to a Vet immediately.

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