Can Dogs Eat Mango

Can Dogs Eat Mango? Are Mangoes Good for Dogs?

Mango “The King of Fruits” is one of the yummiest tropical fruits found in abundance during summers. Have you ever wanted to share this delish fruit with your canine fellow? But can dogs eat mango?

Yes, dogs can eat mango! Mango is full of vitamins and is very nutritious for your dog as long as it is prepared correctly. And the right preparation means pealing the skin and removing the pit.

Now, you might be wondering how much mango is safe for dogs? Or what health benefits mango can offer to your dog? Let’s find out!

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Can Dogs Eat Mango Safely? Health Benefits!

Mango is a luscious ingredient of many salads, fruit bowls, and desserts. It is one of the many fruits safe for dogs and most dogs enjoy sweet and juicy treats.

So, mango on a hot summer day can be a sweet, nutrient enriches, and hydrating snack for your pooch.

Mango contains zero fat, sodium, and cholesterol. It is highly packed with antioxidants. A ¾ cup of mango holds 70 calories. This calorie count is fine for humans but when it comes to our canine fellows, moderation is the key.

Let’s look deeper into why mango is a healthy snack for your pooch and what nutrients it holds!

1) Potassium:

Potassium is a vital mineral to keep a dog’s kidneys in good health and functioning. It also maintains heart health, muscle strength, and digestive system.

2) Magnesium:

Magnesium is a micro-mineral that helps in metabolizing proteins and fatty acids. It supports bone health and maintains ligaments. Magnesium is a great source of providing energy for your pooch.

3) Vitamin C:

Vitamin C boosts immunity, reduces inflammation, fights cancer, and reduces cognitive aging. It is a strong antioxidant that destroys free-radical molecules that harm and degenerate body cells.

4) Vitamin A:

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that means it binds to fats in your dog’s body. It supports vision, reproduction, bone growth, and immune response.

5) Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is also a fat-soluble vitamin. It is very essential for maintaining the healthy skin and coat of a dog. It helps in treating dry or itchy skin and infections.

6) Vitamin B6:

Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine maintains the functioning of the nervous system and immune response. It also regulates the hormones and the generation of red blood cells in the body.

7) Vitamin B9 or Folic Acid:

Folate is necessary for DNA synthesis and the production of red blood cells.

8) Antioxidants:

Mangoes are rich in antioxidants that destroy free-radical molecules in the body and also aid healthy vision.

9) Dietary Fiber:

Fiber helps in good digestion. It lowers sugar levels in the blood and keeps your doggy full for a long time.

Remember, a dog cannot digest mango skin or peel. However, soluble fiber absorbs water and can move easily through a dog’s digestive system.

How Much Mango Dogs Can Eat?

Always ask your Vet for your dog’s nutritional needs before introducing any new human food. However, dogs can safely eat ¼ cup of fresh mango once a week.

This is an appropriate amount that will not lead to obesity and diabetes. Mangoes are healthy but they also contain a high amount of sugar and thus more calories. It is very important to serve mango to your dog in a controlled portion.

Are Mangoes Bad for Dogs? Risks!

Although, mangoes offer many health benefits they can be dangerous too. Here’s Why:

1) Carbohydrates & Sugar:

Mangoes are high in sugar. If you leave the amount of mango unchecked that your dog is consuming, it can lead to dental issues, obesity, and high levels of blood sugar.

Carbohydrates are also broken down into sugar. There are almost 25 grams of sugar per fruit which is too high for a dog with diabetes. You must keep mangoes as an occasional snack for dogs with obesity, diabetes, and kidney issues.

2) Mango Peel & Skin:

It is stiff and fibrous and the stomach of a dog is not able to digest it. Mango peel if consumed can block a dog’s intestinal tract especially of smaller dogs.

The mango tree and the skin also contain urushiol, an oil that can cause skin irritation. To keep your dog safe, do not through mango peel to his plate.

Symptoms of Urushiol contact include swelling of lips and face, heavy breathing, and drooling.

3) Mango Pit:

Like other fruit seeds, the mango pit also contains amygdalin that turns into cyanide. Cyanide is a toxic chemical for dogs. It can collapse a dog’s system if a dog crushes the pit and the chemical gets released into the bloodstream. If not crushed, it also has a choking hazard.

Dangers of stone fruits for dogs. Give a quick read!

4) Fiber Content:

An appropriate amount of fiber is healthy for digestion and maintaining sugar levels in the body but excess fiber can be problematic. It can cause gas, stomach upset, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, and abdominal pain if taken in a large amount.

Can Dogs Eat Mango

So, what do you think? Can dogs eat mango? As you can see, this sweet tropical fruit offers a lot of health benefits but holds some risks too. For this reason, you must take precautions and serve mango to your doggy occasionally as a snack.

Can Dogs Eat Mango? Conclusion:

Fresh mangoes are a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals. Dogs can safely enjoy soft and sweet mangoes. While giving your pooch treats, always remember the 90/10 percent rule.

No matter how healthy a treat is, it should not take more than 10 percent of your dog’s caloric intake. The rest of the 90 percent should come from his dog food.

Before serving fresh mango to your canine fellow make sure to remove the skin and seed. And the serving size should not exceed more than a quarter cup.

You can make this sweet snack more enjoyable and safer for your dog by cutting it into small fun-sized cubes. Oh, so yum!

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