Do Huskies Shed a Lot

Do Huskies Shed a Lot? What Is the Truth About Huskies Shedding?

You are thinking to adopt a husky and you wonder do huskies shed a lot? Then you should know that huskies shed a lot. The hair shedding risk in huskies is much higher than in other dogs. Huskies are loving, friendly, and the most loyal dogs of all breeds.

People love huskies for their un-limited fur coating and resemblance to wolves. Huskies have impressive double coat fur that keeps them safe from cold environments. Usually, when we talk about huskies, we talk about Siberian husky.

Today we will discuss different types of huskies, why they shed a lot, reasons for shedding, and much more. If you want to know more about shedding in dogs. You can read our complete guide on shedding in other dogs like Great Danes, Bulldogs, Samoyeds, Corgis, and Chihuahuas.

Different Types of Huskies? What Type of Huskies Shed A Lot?

There are different types of huskies that shed. If you are worried about huskies shedding and don’t know what breed you want to adopt. We are here to guide you on everything about different types of huskies and their shedding rate.

1) The Siberian Husky:

Siberian huskies are the most popular and commonly known breed of huskies. They are also called red and white husky.


Siberian huskies are originated from Siberia, Russia, as the name of these dogs shows. They move in packs to find their prey.

Siberian Huskies shed a lot. They shed twice a year. If you want to adopt a Siberian husky, be ready to clean your house more often because their hair will show up everywhere.

2) The Alaskan Husky:

The Alaskan huskies are the most observant breed of huskies. They have an uncanny resemblance to wolves. Unlike other breeds, Alaskan huskies love to howl like wolves. Alaskan huskies consist of thick, rough, and oily coating.


Alaskan huskies love to play in open-air places. Unlike, Siberian huskies, they don’t shed a lot. If you groom them twice a week, then their shedding will not create a fuss at all.

3) The Samoyeds:

People often mistook Samoyeds as pure Samoyed husky. But they are sled dogs, originated from Siberia, Russian. They are family dogs used for pulling sleds, guarding and protecting people. Samoyeds are friendly, easy-going sled-dog.

Samoyeds have a thick double coat that helps them to protect against a cold environment. They need a lot of brushing every day. They shed a lot when seasons change. So always be prepared for cleaning when the season changes.

Shedding In Huskies? Do They Shed A Lot?

Shedding is a natural process in dogs. Like humans go through hair fall, dogs do through shedding. Dogs usually shed in warm areas to prevent them from heat and to maintain their body temperature. As huskies live in extremely cold places.

Huskies have double fur coats. The inner coat consists of thick and short fur, closer to skin. The outer coat consists of long hair to protect huskies against wind, heat, and cold. Their outer coat usually does not fall out, as they under the coat.

If you think do husky shed a lot? YES, they shed a lot. Huskies shed twice a year before changing seasons. They shed to maintain their body temperature and prevent themselves from heat.

When And How Much Do Huskies Shed?

Generally, huskies shed the whole year, but they do through an un-limited shedding process twice a year. At some point, husky owners might think to make a new husky out of the fur collected by shedding.

Huskies usually shed in spring and then again in fall, before winters. The most common shedding happens in spring so that huskies can keep themselves cool in summer. Shedding also depends on the weather climate where you live.

Normally huskies shed for 3 to 5 weeks. But this period can be changed depending on the climate. When your husky goes through the process of shedding, make sure to take it as a normal thing.

If you live in a warm place, your husky may shed more than usual, because they need to keep them cool. At cool places, huskies have to maintain their temperature according to weather, so they do not shed much.

By shedding, Huskies create a small pocket between their skin and outer coat. This will help them to circulate air throughout the body, and protect them from heat.

Do Huskies Shed a Lot? Reasons Why Huskies Shed?

Although shedding is a normal process, but still there could be many reasons for shedding a lot. You might have to go through a lot of cleaning and other things when your husky sheds.

If you are a new parent to husky and have no idea why your husky is shedding a lot. Here we have given some common reasons why huskies shed a lot:

1) Unhealthy Diet:

It is important to know that dogs are also individuals and they also need a proper diet to stay healthy. A poor diet can also cause shedding in your husky.

Do Huskies Shed a Lot

Dogs need a proper nutritious diet to keep shedding as least as possible. “The number one reason for excessive shedding is a poor diet,” said Cruzen. “People go to discount stores, by a 40-pound bag of cheap food, and then see their pets’ shedding increase”.

2) Stress:

Stress can your husky to shed more. If your husky is feeling stressed or sad over something, they tend to shed a lot. If your fur baby is scratching things and losing his fur everywhere, he might be feeling stressed.

Stress can because due to some past trauma, anxiety, or mistreatment. If you are unable to figure out the reason for stress, take your dog to the vet.

3) Weather Changes:

Huskies are likely to shed more when there is a change in weather. In warm weather, huskies shed their undercoat to prevent themselves from heatwaves.

Huskies need to maintain their body temperature in cold weather. So they are more likely to shed a lot on their overcoat. If your husky is shedding a lot due to weather changes, take it normally.

4) Skin Irritation or Allergy:

Shedding can also be the reason for some allergy or irritation. If your husky has started acting irritating and is having sudden shedding. You should get concerned about the reason.

Do Huskies Shed a Lot

If you are not taking proper care of your dog’s hygiene, it might cause some skin infections and allergies. Your dog can also feel irritation due to the presence of fleas around.

5) Health Issues:

Shedding can also happen due to health issues. If your husky is not feeling well, he might shed more than usual. If you see your dog behaving unusually. It means that he is suffering from some health concerns.

Try to figure out the reason your dog acting weird. If you can’t take him to the vet and let the professionals do their work.

What Can You Do to Prevent Huskies from Shedding?

The shedding of huskies is unpredictable. If you think ever huskies will stop shedding or not? The answer is NO. There is no permanent solution to shedding.

But some tested and verified methods will help you to manage shedding in huskies.

1) Proper Brushing:

The best way to minimize shedding in your husky is by brushing. Brushing may seem a difficult task to you because of the double coat fur of your fur baby. It will take about 20 minutes to brush all over the body of your husky.

The more hair you collect on the brush, the less you will collect on furniture and everywhere in your house.

You should brush your husky daily, but it is recommended at least thrice a week. Always remember to brush in the direction of hair growth. Start brushing your husky from a young age, so that he can get used to it from the start.

2) Bathing and Shampoo:

Huskies don’t need bathing on regular basis. if you do so, they will lose their natural oil in their body which can be the reason for skin problems. Your pet only needs a bath after 3-4 months, that too with anti-shedding shampoo if your husky shed a lot.

While giving a bath to the husky, rinse him thoroughly several times. After bathing, brush them immediately to remove any leftover shampoo in the fur coat.

3) Proper Diet:

Huskies have a direct impact on the diet on their shedding process. They need proper nutrition, vitamins, and minerals to stay healthy. If your dog is shedding a lot, might be you are not giving him a proper diet.

Do Huskies Shed a Lot

If you want to control your husky’s shedding, try giving him vitamin E, folic acids, and foods having eggs. You can also try fish, flaxseeds, and good-quality dog foods.

Do Huskies Shed a Lot? Are They Hypoallergenic?

If you think that huskies are hypoallergenic, you might be wrong. Huskies are super allergenic due to their large amount of shedding. If you have sensitive skin and can’t tolerate allergies, then do not get a husky. I repeat DO NOT.

If you wonder that brushing and bathing can save you from getting an allergy. Then you must know that nothing will work if you are an allergy person.

Do Huskies Shed a Lot? Final Words:

We are Hopeful that now you know why huskies shed a lot. They shed the whole year. It requires a lot of patience to be a responsible husky parent. You can manage the shedding process of your husky if you follow our tips and tricks.

If you don’t take good care of your husky, he might start to look like a wild beast. To keep shedding a minimum, give your husky daily brushing, grooming, and healthy diet.

If your husky still sheds a lot after every kind of care, he needs to see the vet. Sometimes huskies also shed limitless due to health issues, so get him checked by the proper Vet.

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