Can Dogs Eat Vanilla

Can Dogs Eat Vanilla? Here’s What You Are Missing!

Vanilla is a part of our baked goods for ages. It has gained popularity across the world because of its unique taste and aroma. There are chances that your dog has already taken a lick of it. But, can dogs eat vanilla? Is it even safe?

Simple answer, yes your dog can have vanilla but in moderation, as it isn’t too nutritious for your dog

There are times where you must have given a taste of your vanilla ice cream to your dog. If you are wondering if it was a good idea or not. Then this article is for you!

There are many forms of vanilla available in the market. But, some of the forms are potentially harmful to your dog because it has toxic ingredients.

In this article, we will discuss if your canine friend can eat vanilla without any problem. And what types are not suitable.

Let’s dig deeper and find out!

What Exactly Is Vanilla?

Vanilla is a kind of spice. It comes from the orchids of the genus of the same name. Vanilla’s plant is vine-like that grows up on trees. We use the plant part, which is called a pod. In everyday language, people call a pod “vanilla bean”.

It has a strong taste and a strong scent. Due to this reason, it has a variety of forms and uses. There are many types of beans grown around the world. The Madagascan beans are the most popular.

Vanilla beans are grown using different spices in different parts of the world. As the region changes, the taste of vanilla also varies.

After the harvesting of beans, they go through the drying process. When the beans dry out, we use them in several ways:

1) Vanilla Beans:

The thin and long vanilla pods contain numerous seeds in the shell. You can purchase the pod as a whole, and scrape off the seeds from the pod. These seeds are then used as a natural flavoring.

2) Vanilla Powder:

As the name suggests, grounded beans from the powder. The vanilla powder acts as a natural sweetener.

3) Vanilla Extract:

It is a concentrated liquid solution obtained after soaking it in water and alcohol. This process takes two months.

Vanilla Extract is more convenient and inexpensive to use as compared to the beans for dogs

It is more convenient and inexpensive to use as compared to the beans.

4) Vanilla Bean Paste:

It is a combination of both powder and concentrated vanilla extract. Sometimes, people use it in ice cream, shakes, and other desserts.

5) Vanilla Flavouring:

It is not much different from the vanilla extract. In this form, propylene glycol is a substitute for alcohol for soaking the pod.

Can Dogs Eat Vanilla?

The answer is yes; dogs can eat vanilla. However, it is not the most nutritious thing you should give to your pooch. Vanilla itself is not toxic for your canine friend that is directly extracted from the pod.

Not all kinds of vanilla and concentrations are safe for dogs

Not all kinds of vanilla and concentrations are safe for dogs. Hence, it would help if you didn’t feed them vanilla often as it can harm their health.

Is Vanilla Extract Safe For Dogs?

We use vanilla extract in most of our desert, and it is commonly found in the stores. But, it is not recommended for canines.

Extraction of vanilla occurs by filtering them from a mixture of alcohol and water. It has high alcohol content, which makes it too toxic to dogs.

The dog’s digestive system is unable to breakdown alcohol. It can cause alcohol poisoning. Smaller dogs like Chihuahua or pugs are at a higher risk of alcohol poisoning.

Ice creams, cakes, and other desserts have two or three drops of vanilla extract. This amount won’t be a problem. But, feeding sweets to your canine friend isn’t encouraged.

Can Dogs Eat Vanilla Yogurt?

A small quantity of vanilla yogurt won’t harm your dog. But, in our opinion, plain or Greek yogurt is a better option.

In vanilla yogurt, the vanilla itself isn’t quite harmful. Instead, the higher sugar content is what makes it non-nutritious.

High sugar content leads to obesity, diabetes, and deterioration of dental health of dogs

High sugar content leads to obesity, diabetes, and deterioration of dental health. Some pure vanilla extract uses corn syrup that can lead to high sugar content. Apart from some extracts, sodas also have high sugar levels which can pose serious heath issues for your dog.

Some brands also use xylitol, which is extremely toxic to dogs, even in small quantities. Do look at the ingredients list before buying any human food you want to feed your pup.

Symptoms Of Over-Ingestion Of Vanilla In Dogs

If your dog consumes excessive vanilla-infused sweets, it can be problematic.

The alcohol content of a vanilla extract is what makes it harmful for dogs. It can cause severe problems and, in rare cases, even death.

The severity of the symptoms depends upon the quantity ingested and the size of the dog. Usually, alcohol toxicity takes 30-60 minutes to show its effects.

The symptoms of excessive intake of vanilla in dogs can look like:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Breathing issues
  • Problem in coordination
  • Lethargy
  • Seizures
  • Slow heart rate

What To Do If Your Dog Over-Ingests Vanilla Extract?

If you suspect that your dog has ingested vanilla in your absence, you should induce vomiting.

The safest way to induce vomiting in dogs is to give them 3% hydrogen peroxide. You can easily find it in any supermarket near your home.

Typically, you should give 5mL or one teaspoon for every 10 pounds of weight. The easiest way to provide them with is to use a large syringe or a turkey baster.

If your dog has already vomited, don’t induce it again. After giving the dosage, your pup will through within 10-15 minutes. If not, give them the second dosage.

Try moving your dog around so that it shakes their stomach to induce vomiting.

After your dog has vomited, avoid giving him food right away and let him rest. If you aren’t sure about how to induce vomiting, don’t hesitate to call the vet.

Final Thoughts:

The conversion of beans into extract makes it toxic for dogs. Being a dog owner, it is your responsibility to check on what your canine friend is munching upon.

If by any chance, your dog drinks vanilla extract, you should induce vomiting. Also, notice other symptoms so that things don’t go wrong for your furry friend.

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