Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones

Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones? 4 Reasons Why Not To Feed!

Whenever we hear about dogs and bones, there comes an automatic association in our minds. There is no doubt that dogs are fond of bones. But can dogs eat chicken bones too?

Most of the time when we are enjoying our meaty dinners, our doggies poke their head in and look for a treat curiously. No one can ignore those cute little snouts and let go of their pet empty-handed. But is it safe for dogs to eat chicken bones?

Well, this post is all about that! Can dogs eat chicken bones? Raw or cooked? Let’s figure it out!

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Can I Give Chicken Bones to My Dog?

Chicken bones are thought to be safe for dogs. It is always advised to give any kind of bones to your dog under your supervision.

Dogs usually enjoy larger bones or raw chicken necks. The strong acid present in a dog’s stomach is capable of dissolving bones and promotes good digestion. In addition, the acid also kills harmful gut bacteria.

If you want to offer your dog a meaty treat, make sure that the chicken bone is not cooked and spiced up. If you are feeding cooked meat with a bone, always feed with your hand or put it on a clean surface like a tile or a ceramic shelf.

Cooked bones are never recommended as they can break easily into sharp fragments and cause internal injuries. Leftover chicken bones from the countertop or the plate can risk your dog’s life as there is a risk of choking and internal damage. So, never leave food leftovers in your pet’s reach!

1) Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones Raw?

Raw chicken bones are edible for dogs but they pose a risk of bacterial infection if not washed properly or not stored well.

If you want to give your dog a raw chicken bone, make sure it’s large enough so that it won’t get swallowed or choked.

Raw bones maintain gum and teeth health and also helps in cleansing the digestive tract.

2) Can Dogs Eat Cooked Chicken Bones?

Cooked chicken bones are not the right alternative even if the cooking process reduces the risk of bacterial infections. You should refrain from giving your dog smoked, grilled, fried, steamed, or roasted chicken bones.

Cooked bones become soft and can easily break and form sharp splinters. This increases the risk of choking and gut damage.

Thus, it is not recommended to feed your dog cooked chicken bones.

4 Reasons Why Chicken Bones Are Bad for Dogs

Prevention is better than cure.

1) Choking Hazard:

Bones have a major choking hazard. They can get stuck in the mouth or throat. If a bone blocks the windpipe it can be very serious.

Blockage of windpipe can risk your dog’s life. In case of blockage, you should immediately contact your Vet for assistance.

2) Internal Damage:

A dog can easily break cooked or raw chicken bones with his teeth. While chewing, bones can splinter or make sharp fragments that can injure the lining of the digestive and intestinal tract. Internal damage becomes very serious and typically requires surgery for healing.

3) Obstruction:

Blockage of the gastrointestinal tract becomes very serious in dogs. If a chicken bone blocks the digestive passage, it will stop the food and water from passing and may require surgery for removal.

4) Bacterial Infections:

Raw chicken bones or stored chicken that is not properly washed, and bones from defrosted chicken carry a lot of bacteria such as salmonella. These bacteria can travel from your dog’s mouth to the digestive tract and be the reason for gastrointestinal infection.

What to Do If Your Dog Ate a Chicken Bone?

No one can let go of yummy treats! Right? If your dog has eaten chicken bones accidentally, it can be a very painful experience for your dog. Chicken bones can get caught in the throat or can risk your dog’s life.

So, what should you do when you get to know that your dog has eaten chicken bones? You can help your pooch by watching out for the symptoms and taking appropriate measures.

Symptoms That Your Dog Ate Chicken Bone:

  • Vomiting
  • Dental pain
  • Bloated abdomen
  • Abdominal pain
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Coughing
  • Panting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Blockages
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Bloody stool

1) Don’t Panic:

First of all, stay calm and don’t panic. It will not help you. If you see your dog munching on bones, take the leftovers from him calmly and politely. Or if you suspect that your dog has already eaten some bones, carefully observe that he is not experiencing choking.

2) Call A Vet:

If there is a blockage in the throat, take your dog to a Vet immediately so that the situation gets better. If there are no instant symptoms of throat blockage, observe your dog for almost 72 hours afterward for intestinal blockages.

Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones

It is advised to stay in touch with your Vet while monitoring the situation. If your pooch seems to be okay, it will probably be doing normally.

Alternatives to Chicken Bones

Dogs love chewing. To satisfy your dog’s chewing desires you can offer him safe and healthy alternatives. There are a lot of chew treats that are designed for dog’s teeth. These flavored toys can calm your dog instantly and keep your dog’s teeth healthy and his jaws strong.

Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones? Conclusion:

Though chicken bones aren’t the worst thing your dog could eat. But prevention is always better. Experts don’t consider chicken bones safe as there is a big risk of choking.

There is a possibility of internal injuries from the bone splinters. Raw bones can also cause bacterial infections. If your dog has consumed chicken bones unattended, you should take him to the Vet instantly.

Moreover, you should learn from the experience and always keep the food out of your dog’s reach. And train your dog not to nibble on leftovers from the garbage can. Train your dog to be healthy, happy, and safe!

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