Why Do Dogs Like Sticks?  6 Shocking Reasons

Do you ever think why dogs are so obsessed with sticks? Why do dogs like sticks? Dogs love to play and chew sticks. Before discovering games with tennis balls, bones, and stuffed toys, dogs used to play with sticks.

Dogs found it thrilling to chase the sticks. In ancient times, people used dogs for hunting purposes. They send dogs to retrieve their prey and bring it back to their owners.

We can say that playing and chewing sticks are a dog’s instincts. You can give your dog expensive toys and fancy stuff to play with, but there is no match of stick chasing. You might think why do dogs like sticks? Why sticks are so important for them?

There can be many reasons for it, and today we will explore them in this article.

6 Reasons Why Do Dogs Like Sticks?

If you see a dog holding a stick, consider it as a normal thing. Chewing sticks is a dog’s nature. Dogs may find sticks attractive and appealing due to their resemblance to bones.

If you own a dog and he spends most of the time chewing and holding sticks. You might ever thought why your dog likes sticks so much?

We are here to tell you the reasons why do dogs like sticks so much:

1) Hunter Instincts:

Dogs are known as hunting animals. From Chihuahuas to the Great Dane, every dog is a hunter. Back then, dogs were raised to retrieve their prey and provide to their owner. Due to this practice, dogs are fond of chasing sticks.

Whenever you saw your dog chasing a stick and bringing it back to you, remember that they are trying to impress you with their chasing skills.

2) Smell and Texture:

Although dogs are genius enough to differentiate between bones and sticks. But the structure and texture of sticks resemble bones which can make dogs crave for it. Whether the stick is fresh, old and crumbling, or sprouting, your dog will always find something interesting in it.

Along with texture, dogs can also fall for the taste and smell of the sticks. Due to the strong-smelling power of dogs, they can smell what humans cannot smell. So maybe your dog is chasing sticks because they find its smell appealing to them.

3) Sore Gums and Teething:

If your dog is suffering from any kind of tooth pain or gum disease, they are more likely to chew sticks. The texture of the stick is hard, so dogs chew sticks to ease their gums’ pain.

Also, dogs can chew more sticks when they are going through the teething process. If your dog is chewing sticks every time, you need to look after them whether they are suffering from teething or it’s some kind of gum disease.

4) Seeking Attention:

Dogs love to play fetch games with sticks. You might have noticed your dog picking up sticks on the way to walk. By doing this, they are possibly asking for attention or they want you to play a fetch game with them.

If you notice your dog chewing stick all the time, you might not be giving them enough attention or love. Because sticks can also work as a stress reliever for dogs. In this situation, give them enough time so they don’t feel unwanted or alone.

5) Lack of Nutrition:

Some dog foods don’t contain enough nutrition. They contain artificial fillers which cause nutrition deficiency in dogs and they tend to chew sticks to overcome this deficiency.

If this happens to your dog, you should try changing your dog’s food. And if the problem remains the same take him to the vet cause it can be dangerous.

6) Pica:

When dogs suffer from a deficiency of red blood cells, they develop a condition called pica. It is common in dogs and even humans. In this situation, dogs eat more non-food items such as sticks, tins, plastic, paper, or rocks.

Why Do Dogs Like Sticks


Sometimes, they are obsessed with only one item. If you observe your dog chewing sticks most of the time or acting lazy and sick, they might be suffering from pica. Take them to the vet for their proper evaluation and treatment.

Risks of Chewing Sticks

Although dogs like to play with sticks but sometimes can chew sticks too. Sticks are not always safe to chew for dogs. Sometimes it can damage your dog’s mouth.

Some woods have a sharp texture and they can harm the internal organs of your dog if swallowed. Sometimes small pieces of sticks can get stuck into the dog’s teeth and can cause itching in the mouth and gums. 

Below is the list of harmful and toxic sticks to save your dog from them. 

  • Red oak
  • Black Pepper
  • Black walnut
  • Yew
  • Black cherry
  • Red maple

Most of the dogs chew sticks only because they find them appealing and fun to chew. If your dog chews sticks, you should discourage him and stop him from chewing sticks.

3 Medical Issues Related To Stick Chewing

Whenever you take your dog for a walk or playtime, keep them distracted from stick chewing. There are multiple medical issues related to stick chewing activity. It can be dangerous for your dog’s life.

Here we have enlisted some of the major issues caused by stick chewing:

1) Mouth Ordeal:

Chewing sticks can lead to different mouth injuries, i.e.; cuts and splinters in the mouth, gums, and tongue. 

2) Choking Hazard:

Choking is a very serious threat as it can be life-threatening for your dog. While chewing sticks, the dog may swallow the stick or it may get stuck in the dog’s throat. Since sticks are easily be found anywhere, so you need to keep an eye on your dog.

3) Internal Damages:

Chewing sticks can be equally dangerous for your dog’s health. As it can damage their organs, kidneys, lungs, nerves, blood vessels and can also lead to chest infections.

Why Do Dogs Like Sticks

You have to keep your dog away from chewing sticks. if they don’t stop chewing sticks, take them to the vet. 

How to Refrain Dogs From Chewing Sticks? 5 Simple Steps!

Are you tired of your dog’s stick chewing habit and want to get rid of it? Here we have given few tips to refrain dogs from chewing sticks: 

1) Cleaning the Backyard:

If you want to stop your dog from chewing sticks, then clean your house and backyard daily and keep all sticks outside the house. 

2) Keep Dogs Inside The House:

If you have trees in the backyard area of your house, try keeping your dog inside. You can also put your dog in chains. This way he cannot be able to pull off sticks from the trees.

3) Make Dogs Follow Commands:

Teach your dog commands like “leave”, “drop” and “Stop” so when they try to chew sticks you can use the commands to refrain them. In this case, you can also reward them for following your command.

4) Distract Dogs With Toys:

When you take your dog for a walk, you can give them toys to distract them on their way. This will prevent them from chewing sticks and they will keep themselves busy with toys.

5) Muzzling the Dogs:

If you have tried every possible way but your dog is still chewing sticks, then you can use a muzzle as a last option.

But it can be used under supervision and on the necessary basis, as this is not a permanent solution.


Here to sum up things; there are multiple reasons why do dogs like sticks. Many dogs like sticks for playing or due to their hunting nature. Dogs like sticks because of their smell, texture and mainly they can play fetch with sticks. In some cases, dogs like sticks for chewing purposes. 

Due to the resemblance of sticks to bones, dogs cannot resist chewing them. But excessive chewing can be dangerous for dogs. Chewing sticks can affect your dog’s health. If your dog didn’t stop chewing stick on any condition, take him to the vet immediately before it’s too late.

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