Are Male Goldendoodles Aggressive? Possible Reasons and Solutions

Are Male Goldendoodles Aggressive? Possible Reasons and Solutions 

The Goldendoodle is a “designer dog,” a hybrid dog breed created by crossing a Poodle and a Golden Retriever. This Doodle, like all other designers’ “breeds,” is not a true breed in its own right, but rather a crossbreed, and in this case, Goldendoodle is a popular crossbreed.

Goldendoodles are not only adorable, but they are also entertaining, easy to train, and excellent family dogs. If you want a Goldendoodle, you should probably get a male. Male Goldendoodles are more affectionate, laid back, and form stronger bonds with their owners. 

However, you may be wondering whether male Goldendoodles are aggressive or not? And if so, what could be the possible reasons. Let us now discuss male Goldendoodles’ aggressiveness.

5 Reasons for Aggressiveness in Male Goldendoodles

Male aggression is more predominant in dogs that have not been trained. Unneutered males frequently develop the habit of humping toys, blankets, pillows, or even your legs. They can also develop the undesirable habit of marking their territory in specific areas around the house.

However, that aggression varies between males and females.

This is especially true for Goldendoodles who have come from shelters or who have been abused in the past. Abused dogs will have developed aggression as a result of fear and self-defense.

Your Goldendoodle may become aggressive for a variety of reasons. We would like to go over some of the common reasons. Understanding why your Goldendoodle is aggressive makes dealing with the problem much easier.

1. Fear: 

If your dog feels threatened or scared, he will become aggressive. It is natural for dogs to do so. Dogs tend to protect themselves as well as humans. If your dog barks when seeing some specific person or things, you need to cut off that thing from his life.

2. Confusion:

When dogs are in unfamiliar surroundings and something unexpected happens, Goldendoodles can become confused.

Anything like fireworks, or a knock on the door can make your Goldendoodle confuse. 

The same thing could happen if a stranger enters your home with whom your dog has never met before. In such a situation, your dog can act aggressively.

3. Anxiety:

If a Goldendoodle is anxious, he may tend to become aggressive. Goldendoodles are extremely sensitive dogs, if you ignore them or didn’t give them enough attention, they can suffer separation anxiety.

Moreover, an unfamiliar or unwanted situation can also make your dog anxious and they can become aggressive. This may overlap with the causes of confusion and fear.

4. Resource Guarding:

Dogs are highly protective of their belongings or their favorite things. if your Goldendoodle has something, which he considers as their property or their territory, they will guard it. This can get very aggressive to protect their things.

In such cases, you should train your dog to stop being aggressive and also try to stay away from his belongings.

5. Pain or Illness:

Although this is unusual, many male Goldendoodles become aggressive when they are sick. If your dog is not having any above-mentioned issues and still act aggressively, there seems to be some health-related problem. 

You should think about taking your dog to the vet.

How to Reduce Aggressiveness in Your Male Goldendoodle?

Male Goldendoodles can be aggressive sometimes or maybe most of the time. But don’t worry, like every problem has a solution, we have tricks to reduce aggressiveness in your male Goldendoodle.

Let’s discuss a few quick tips that will help you put a full stop to the aggression in your male Goldendoodle.

1. Never Raise Your Voice Around Your Dog:

You should try not to raise your voice around your dog. Especially, when they behave aggressively. Because, if you do so, you are creating a frightening situation for your dog by yelling.

 This can also put you in trouble because your dog can attack or bite you out of threat or fear.

2. Only Use Positive Reinforcement:

It is crucial that you only use positive reinforcement with your dog. You should never punish them for anything. Otherwise, you will simply introduce a sense of aggression in them. The most aggressive dogs will be those who have been treated aggressively from the start.

3. Mind Stimulation:

Many Goldendoodles act aggressively because they are not mentally stimulated enough. So, get your dog some puzzle toys or a variety of toys. It will be extremely beneficial to them. Also, regular training can help to stimulate your dog’s mind.

4. Regular Exercise:

If your dog does not get enough exercise, he may develop aggressive behaviors. To overcome this, take your dog for several walks per day. This will help to tire them out, and as a result, they will be less aggressive.

What to Do If My Male Goldendoodle Is Aggressive?

Dealing with an aggressive male Goldendoodle may appear to be an impossible task because Goldendoodles are typically well-mannered and loving, but their personality may make it easier.

If you are a parent of a male Goldendoodle and you have to deal with his aggressiveness, here are some tips to deal with it.

Remember that Goldendoodles are extremely sensitive dogs. Yelling and punishing them will not improve the dog’s behavior and may increase the likelihood of the aggression occurring again.

Puppies who are exposed to well-behaved dogs will mimic that behavior. A well-mannered Goldendoodle who is minding his own business is unlikely to be aggressive.

Positive reinforcement training and praise work much better for male Goldendoodles. If your Goldendoodle is not properly socialized as a puppy, it is not too late. You can still train them. Early training and socialization can make a big difference.


Is it true that Goldendoodles are prone to aggression? No. They are well-known for their gentle nature rather than their aggression. In rare cases, a Goldendoodle may show signs of aggression, but this is usually due to specific circumstances or due to a lack of training and socialization. 

Patience, socialization, and consistent training can assist a gentle-natured dog such as the Goldendoodle in overcoming aggression.

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