Why does my dog smells like fish

Why Does My Dog Smell Like Fish? How Is It Dangerous?

The cleanliness of a pet is its basic need. Every dog parent tries to keep her doggie clean and tidy. But, what if your all tidy pup starts stinking suddenly? That foul odor will compel you to ask: Why does my dog smell like fish? Dogs demand proper hygiene. And dog lovers never ignore this fact.

There can be many reasons like a bacterial infection, yeast infection, or any other health problems with your dog. 

Thus, a fishy smell is most likely a medical problem. Well, in this article, we will go deep into the reasons behind this fishy smell. Remedies and tips for treating this bad scent is our next concern.

6 Reasons Why My Dog Smells Like Fish

Your rovers can have a foul smell. If you want to know why does your dog smell like fish, then read the following causes. Here are the main reasons for your pup’s fish-like smell. Any one of them can make your puppy a stinking beast.

1) Bacterial Infection Is A Reason Behind Fishy Smell:

If smell emerges around the ears and feet, it is due to bacterial infection or yeast production.

2) Yeast Makes My Rover To Smell Like Fish:

Have you ever mixed the yeast with water while making bread? Yeast smells like fish! It grows in dark and warm places. Doggies also have such friendly spots for yeast production. This yeast’s growth can be an answer to your query: Why Does My Dog Smell Like Fish?

Dr. Morgan tells these places as “inside [the] ears, between the back legs, around [the] vul**, between [the] toes and pads, or around the eyes due to tear drainage.”

Why Does My Dog Smell Like Fish

Limiting the consumption of carbohydrates can lessen the growth of yeast. Low-carb diets are the best option. Avoid potatoes, grains, starchy vegetables, and lentils. Now, let us discuss an** sac disease. Is it dangerous for your dog’s life?

3) Stinky Food:

If your dog has a desire for reeking food, like poop or fish products, her breath will smell like fish.

4) Gastrointestinal Issues Trigger Fishy Scent:

 Illnesses of the stomach and intestines can cause a fishy smell to emit from the mouth. For example, Acid reflux or GERD can cause a fishy breath. It mainly occurs due to food allergies.

5) Decayed Gums or Teeth Produce Fishy Odor:

Pus in the gum or a broken tooth can be an agent behind this foul smell.

6) Fluid In A*** Sacs Has Fishy Reek:

The most crucial cause of fishy stench is fluid in an** sacs. Your dog releases this liquid during defecting or when she is happy or scared. This fluid is fishy in smell.

What Are An** Glands? How Do They Make My Dog To Smell Like Fish?

An** glands are sacs on either side of your pup’s butt. These sacs contain sweat glands that have fishy-smelling liquid. The color of the fluid can be thin yellowish or thick greyish.

Why Does My Dog Smell Like Fish

This liquid is a kind of scent marker. Dogs smell like fish because this fluid has a fishy odor. During pooping, too, doggies release it. Poodles use this scent to identify and communicate with each other. That is why they sniff of feces.      

Doggies can secrete this liquid by nature. Whenever your canine friend feels happy or scared, she will release a fishy smell. 

If your poodle is unable to express her an*** glands, she might have some issues. This inability causes an** sac disease. Let us discuss the reasons!

5 Reasons Of Difficulty In Natural Secretion

Some important factors are given below. Any one of them can cause problems in fluid secretion.

1) Age of Dog:

If your doggie is a little one, it may be difficult for her to express an** glands naturally. Such breeds like Spaniels, or Terriers may face this difficulty.

2) Hypothyroidism:

It imbalances the hormones. Thus making it hard for doggies to express an** glands impulsively.

3) Obesity:

Obesity or (Weight gain) can be another cause for your rover in an** glands expression.

4) Lack Of Firmness In Pups’ Poops:

Soft poop can be a reason for compact an** glands. The small smooth stool may not trigger the an** glands to express.

5) Other Factors:

Constipation, chronic diarrhea, environmental factors, and food allergies can also cause an** gland disease. 

How Does An** Sac Disease Cause Fishy Smell In My Dog?

An** Gland disease creates hindrance in expressing an** glands naturally. These glands get fill with fish-smelling fluid. But due to no expression of glands, pups can not completely empty them. Constant secretion in little quantity releases a fishy smell.

How To Know If My Rover Is Suffering From An** Sac Disease?

Some actions of your doggies indicate an** sac disease. If your poodle shows the following symptoms, she may have this disease.


If you see your dog dragging her butt, it may be due to annoyance. She is trying to release those fluids via scooting. Scooting is a trigger to empty her an** glands.

Frequent Licking:

Doggies start licking their butt excessively. It is a sign of compacted an** glands. They even scratch or try to bite that part.

Swelled An**:

Swelling around the an** of your dog is a sign of affected an** glands.

Wounded Butt:

A wound around the butt can be a symbol of an** gland disease. Likewise, they may seem depressed or show irritation if you touch their tails. This displeasure is the result of the disease.

If you observe the symptoms mentioned earlier, check her thoroughly. If the situation is worse, take your poodle to the vet.

How To Cure An** Sac Disease Naturally

To empty the an** glands of your pups, you can follow many home solutions. For that purpose, I am writing some of the remedies for your ease.

A Firm stool prompts the expression of an** glands, naturally. If the pup has enough fibers in her diet, then she will form a firm poop. Olives and plantains are rich in fibers. Add them to their diet.

Weight gain triggers anal disease in dogs

Weight gain triggers the an** disease. So, weight loss can help in recovery. Daily exercise is a useful activity in this manner.

Drinking plenty of clean water can prevent this disease. Hypoallergenic diets are effective in curing this disease. 

Medical Treatment Of An** Sac Disease

Your vet will treat your doggie by using various methods.

Compacted an** sacs are quite firm. A vet may need a saline rinse or softening agent to reduce dryness. 

After the removal of compaction, your poodle will need a high-fiber diet. This vet’s recommended diet will help her to express her sacs naturally.

What If My Rover Is Suffering From Infected An** Sacs?

But, what If there is an infection or a cyst? Then the vet will use antiseptics or antibiotics to treat that part. Hot compresses and few intakes of antibiotics will settle the issue.

If the disease does not get cured with medication, surgical removal will occur. In this process, the vet will remove the an** sacs through surgery. Except for incontinence sometimes, the process is safe and successful.

My Female Dog Is Smelling Fishy?

What to do if your female poodle has no an** gland issue and she still smells like fish? Then maybe there is an infection in her va***.

Vaginitis is a disease by bacteria or yeast. Its primary symptom can be a light-colored liquid emitting from the va***.

Sometimes, it is pyometra, a disease that causes the uterus to secrete fluid via the va***. It is a critical disease; rush to the vet immediately!

So, these diseases can lead your female pup to emit a fishy smell. Medical treatments will drop them.

Why Does My Dog’s Urine Smell Like Fish?

If your furry friend pees, releasing a fishy smell, it is maybe due to infection. UTIs-Urinary Tract Infections- are one of the major causes of fish smelling urine. 

Urinary Tract Infections can cause fish like smell in dogs

To treat these infections, get an appointment with your vet. A course of antibiotics or urine culture will cure this disease.

Fishy Smell In Dog’s Breath

Mainly pet parents do not brush their poodles’ teeth. It is the major reason why their breath has a fishy smell. Infection and inflammation of gums can cause Periodontal, common among 84% of dogs above 3.

Vets recommend Dental cleaning with anesthesia in severe cases. Otherwise, dental care at home can cure it. Use an enzymatic toothpaste to avoid plaque and Periodontal eventually.

The Concluding Points

This article clearly tells all you need to answer: Why Does My Dog Smell Like Fish? There are many causes, from food and environmental allergies to an** sac disease. Either, they Goldendoodles, Great Danes, or Shiba Inus, every breed can experience this problem.

The an** sac disease is a significant reason. Yet, you can treat most of the illnesses at home by doing simple steps. Some severe problems need a vet for your pup.

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