How Long Do Teacup Poodles Live

How Long Do Teacup Poodles Live?

Teacup poodle is one of the smallest dogs. They can fit in anywhere. These tiny pups are adorable companions to have. So, you might be wondering how long do teacup poodles live? Right?

Teacup poodles can live up to 12-15 years. Teacup poodles are very popular in America but they are not the official dog breed. These tiny dogs are even smaller than a toy poodle and weigh less than 6 pounds.

As they have come from the poodle bloodline, they are intelligent, active, playful, and very easy to train. They are available in a variety of colors including white, cream, red, and black. They are widely sold as hypoallergenic dogs.

In this article, we will talk about the health issues that teacup poodles face and what possibly affect their lifespan?

So, let’s dive in and find out!

What Is the Life Expectancy of a Teacup Poodle?

Considering the health, these cute little teacup poodles have a life expectancy of about 12 to 15 years. As long as a pet poodle is healthy, this is enough information gathered from a Vet.

To keep your teacup poodle healthy and make it live longer, make sure that it is not suffering from any health issues. For these little creatures to stay healthy, adequate and good quality food, exercise, and neutering is a must.

What Causes Death in Teacup Poodles?

When we talk about any dog, we first consider its size and weight. For poodles particularly, there are many misconceptions that we see. There are only three poodle sizes that get official registration.

Breeding smaller poodles bring along many genetic and health issues. Teacup poodles are not officially registered. The average weight of a teacup poodle is between 2.5 to 6 pounds when it is fully grown up.

Being very small and underweight, they are considered premature all through their life. Teacup poodles can face an abundance of health concerns and disorders.

If you want to have a teacup poodle, you will also have to be ready to put extra effort into their upbringing. They just do not require food and exercise but also need additional care and attention.

Teacup poodles are very expensive. So, if your teacup poodle falls sick or gets into any serious health concern, there will be a lot of medical expenses waiting for you too.

For the majority of people, buying a teacup poodle turns out to be a bad decision. You should be very vigilant to take care of such a small and premature pup. You must consider health concerns first and then think how long do teacup poodles live.

How Long Do Teacup Poodles Live? 7 Health Risks!

Due to their small size and low weight, teacup poodles face plenty of health risks that are listed below:

  1. Hypoglycemia:

Hypoglycemia is a common health issue that many dogs face. It is a condition when the blood sugar level becomes high. If hypoglycemia persists and is left untreated, it can cause diabetes and lead to heart problems.

Inadequate nutrition, absence of exercise, and high stress levels promote hypoglycemia in dogs.

  1. Heart Defects:

Like human premature babies suffer from heart defects, teacup poodles are in the same boat. If your teacup poodle face difficulty in breathing or coughs more often, it might have heart defects.

Heart defects are very common in small bred poodles. This is due to genetic factors. Symptoms of heart defects start appearing right from puppyhood and stay throughout their life.

  1. Collapsed Trachea:

Collapsed trachea is a very serious health risk that can endanger a dog’s life. However, it might not surprise us considering the size and shape of the teacup poodle.

Indicators of a collapsed trachea are bouts of coughing while eating food and drinking water or during an exercise.

  1. Respiratory Issues:

Respiratory issues like collapsed trachea lead to difficulty in breathing. Loud breathing noise is a sign of respiratory issues. Respiratory issues are very common in teacup poodles and these majorly contribute to their lifespan.

  1. Digestive Issues:

Teacup poodles can also face digestive issues as their stomach might not be able to digest hard and solid foods. Digestive issues incorporate intestinal issues and risk their life.

  1. Bone and Joint Issues:

As I said earlier, teacup poodles are considered to be immature, their bones and joints are weak and thin. Hence, they cannot survive through climate changes. They can also suffer from arthritis.

A teacup poodle cannot play rough. Poodles are very active and get excited. Unfortunately, if a teacup poodle jumps from a high surface, there are chances of bone injuries and fractures. Their survival rate is very low after getting injured.

  1. Dental Issues:

Genetically, teacup poodles have various dental issues. Their inborn teeth sometimes do not fall out and neither a Vet can do that. As their size also affects the surgical procedures.

They can also get seizures, palpitations, and many skin diseases quite easily.

Considering all of these health risks, we can clearly see that a teacup poodle can only live for 2 to 3 years. If a teacup poodle is lucky, it can live up to 12 years. But there is no assurity that it will be healthy and active in all these years.

How Long Do Teacup Poodles Live? Final Thoughts:

Professionals do not advise the breeding of teacup poodles. You the reasons. Right?

Teacup poodles are not a healthy breed. They suffer from plenty of health problems. It is not wise to choose a teacup poodle as they are expensive and bring along a lot of medical expenses too.

Considering the health issues, the lifespan of a teacup is unexpected. Consistent breeding of teacup poodles has shortened their lifespan due to many genetic factors.

It is very hard to take care of a teacup poodle. It is a big responsibility as it is not only about nutrition. They are weak and have many birth defects. Moreover, they are prone to infections and other diseases.

Teacup poodles are indeed very cute companions but are not healthy to keep as a pet. So, choose wisely!

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