Where, When, How Much Does Your Poodle Sleep?

Where, When, How Much Does Your Poodle Sleep?

Poodles are a very famous dog breed. They make great family pets and are equally loved by families around the world. They are well-known for their beauty, loyalty, and smartness. Moreover, poodles are very welcoming, active, energetic, and most importantly kids friendly. 

So, if you are about to get a poodle, you might have a lot of caring concerns for your furry companion.

Where, when, and how much should a poodle sleep? Keep calm! Sleep schedule varies from poodle puppies to adult poodles. Poodle puppies on average need 15 to 20 hours of sleep a day while grown-up poodles sleep for about 12 hours per day.

To keep a poodle healthy and active, sleep quality is very important. In this article, we will see how much does a poodle should sleep in different age groups. And how can you give your poodle a safe and comfortable spot to sleep.

How Much Does Your Poodle Sleep?

Like other dog breeds, how much a poodle should sleep depends on its age and size. There are four officially known poodle sizes in the US, standard, medium, miniature, and toy poodles.

All poodle sizes require different amounts of sleep. Let’s take a deep look at poodles’ lifetime to determine the sleeping needs of poodles at different ages.

1. Poodle Puppies (0-8 Months of Age):

Pups love to sleep. You might feel amazed but yes puppies can even sleep for a whole day. Poodle puppies usually sleep for 18-20 hours per day when they are born and until they reach 8 months of age.

Poodle puppies are usually very active and energetic when they are awake. Sleeping habits change with time as they grow up. Sleeping time gradually starts to decrease when poodle pups are about to be one year old.

2. Young and Adult Poodles (1-8 Years Old): 

As poodles become young, from one year of age, they usually sleep for 13-14 hours a day. Poodles are easily trainable. When they become young, they learn a lot from their surroundings and adopt the schedules of their owners.

Young poodles are very playful and smart. If you give them proper care, attention, and playtime, they are less likely to sleep for long hours. While if they are left alone, they will take unnecessary naps and become lazy. 

However, young poodles also take short naps when they are tired and that is absolutely normal if your poodle plays for a long time.

3. Senior Poodles (10 Years Old and Above):

Senior poodles at this age in their life, increase their sleep time. You will see a senior poodle napping like a puppy. So, exactly when will be a poodle considered senior?

Well, it depends on the size of poodle you have. Toy poodles are seniors when they get 10 years old. While a miniature poodle and standard poodle is senior at the age of 8 and 7 years respectively.

As your dog gets old, you should let him take small naps to keep him healthy. Senior dogs feel tired even after a short walk. So, you should consider exercising but make sure not to overdo that.

What Should Be a Poodle’s Sleep Schedule?

Puppies love sleeping for long hours. It is very challenging to set a sleep schedule for them. Poodles are also very playful and energetic when they are awake.

So, what you can do is play with your poodle pup and try to keep him up for a long time than usual. 

In this way, you can make your poodle sleep at the time you want. It is very important to maintain the sleep schedule of your pup.

because if your poodle puppy will take unnecessary naps during the day, it will stay up in the night and shows all of its energy while you want to rest. 

The majority of poodles are known for mirroring their owner’s behavior. To make an effective sleeping schedule for your poodle, you should start training them right from puppyhood. Offering them a safe and cozy place to sleep will develop good sleeping habits.

Young and adult dogs take naps when they are tired or left alone. When poodles have nothing to invest in their energy, they just end up taking a nap out of boredom. But it does not disturb their night sleep schedule like poodle pups.

To help your poodle sleep better you should take it for a walk, or encourage exercising. An interesting thing about poodles is that they enjoy music too. So, you can simply turn on a piece of calming music to help them sleep faster and at the right time.

Where Does a Poodle Should Sleep?

As I said earlier, to keep your poodle healthy and active, you should make sure that it is getting enough and quality sleep.

Dogs are more likely to sleep better in a place where they feel safe and comfortable.

From the experience of many poodle owners, the best way to make your poodle feel comfortable while sleeping is by giving them their personalized bed. There are many kinds of beds available in various shapes and sizes for your pet.

A majority of poodle owners who stay away for work during the daytime use crate training their poodle. The crate is also a great way of keeping your pet safe when you are not available to keep an eye on it. 

On the other hand, some pet owners are so close to their poodle that they prefer their poodle to be sleeping with them.

Final Thoughts:

Parenting a poodle is fun and somehow challenging. Oodles are easily trainable so you can make a healthy sleep schedule for them.

Adult poodles sleep for 12-15 hours on average while poodle puppies usually sleep between 18-20 hours per day. The sleeping time of poodle largely depends on their size, age, and personality.

Poodles are more likely to develop the sleep habits of their owners. So, you can easily train them to sleep at your time. To ensure quality sleep, make sure that your poodle is safe and comfortable in its bed.

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