How do I get my poodle to stop barking

How do I get my poodle to stop barking so much?

Man’s best friend, right? That’s what many think. But if your dog is barking all the time and you can’t get him to stop, it might be time to take some steps.

We’ll explore the most common reasons why dogs bark excessively in this article: boredom, separation anxiety, and territoriality. We’ll also share some tips on how to help solve these issues with your pup!   So don’t worry – read on for all of the answers you need!

1. Make sure your poodle has enough exercise and isn’t bored:

Many poodles bark because they’re bored. Your dog might do the same thing when he or she is home alone, not getting enough exercise or mental activity.

Some dogs need a lot of physical and mental stimulation to keep them from barking. That’s why it’s important to make sure your poodle isn’t cooped up in the house all day without enough activity.

How much exercise does your poodle need? That depends on his age and breed. If you’re at a loss, you can always ask your vet for recommendations.

2. Make sure your poodle isn’t barking because of separation anxiety:

Dogs who are anxious when their owners leave often bark a lot. This is known as “separation anxiety.”

If you’ve noticed your pooch has been barking a lot when you leave the house, there’s a chance he or she might have separation anxiety. Dogs typically bark excessively when they’re trying to get attention from their owners.

Separation anxiety can often be improved with pheromone sprays or collars, like the SENTRY Calming Collar for Dogs. These products imitate a chemical that mother dogs produce to comfort their puppies. That way, your dog will associate you with feeling calm and relaxed!

3. Make sure your poodle isn’t barking because he or she is territorial:

Some poodles bark a lot because they’re territorial. Many dogs become territorial when they feel threatened by something, and this can cause them to bark excessively.

A way to keep your poodle from barking is to treat him or her with love and affection at all times. Showing your dog that you’re in charge will help prevent him or her from becoming territorial.

How Can You Stop Your Poodle From Barking A Lot?

Poodles bark a lot for all kinds of reasons. If you’ve noticed your poodle barking excessively, there are some ways you can help stop it.

These are the most effective methods recommended by our vets:

1. Provide your poodle with chew toys and interactive games:

Chewing is a great way for poodles to release pent-up energy. It’s also a great way to stop barking because it can help relieve stress and anxiety.

Providing your dog with toys and games will keep him or her from getting bored while you’re at work or while you’re busy doing something else. Plus, it will help eliminate bad habits, such as barking for attention.

In addition to providing your poodle with chew toys and games, you can also engage in some good old-fashioned playtime! This is a great way to get rid of excess energy while bonding with your pooch.

2. Train your dog to stop barking by giving it a command:

Most poodles bark because they do not know how to stop. This is usually the case when other, more effective barking deterrents aren’t available.

Train your pooch to stop barking by teaching him or her a command such as “quiet” or “shush.” Soon enough, you’ll be able to tell your pup to stop barking and he or she will know to do as you say!

There are many ways you can go about incorporating this command into your dog’s routine. For example, you can use a treat as a reward for your pup when he or she stops barking.

After you develop this habit, your poodle will stop barking on his own whenever he sees that you’re trying to be quiet.

3. Use a pheromone spray or collar:

Pheromones are chemicals that naturally occur in the body and they serve as messengers between organisms. These tiny molecules can affect your behavior, emotions, and physical reactions, like when you feel nervous during an interview.

Using pheromones in a spray or collar is a great way to stop barking. The pheromones you use should be the same ones that mother dogs produce to comfort their puppies.

Once your dog smells these pheromones, he or she will associate them with feeling calm and relaxed! These products are usually very effective at reducing territorial barking when used correctly.

Having trouble getting your poodle to stop barking? Try using a pheromone spray or collar for the best results!

4. Exercise your poodle regularly to release excess energy:

If you notice that your dog is panting excessively, playing or engaging in some exercise with him is a great way to get rid of his excess energy and prevent barking.

Strenuous exercise can be very tiring for dogs, so exercising lightly is the best way to avoid exhausting your pup.

If you walk your dog every day, try taking him or her on a run once in a while to really wear him out and stop the barking! Once your poodle has more energy than he knows what to do with, he’ll be too tired to bark.

5. Get rid of potential triggers:

When you’re trying to stop your poodle from barking, you want to eliminate any potential triggers that could set him off.

For example, if you notice your dog barking at the mailman every day, try keeping your pooch inside while the mail is being delivered. This way, he won’t even know when the postal worker is coming and barking won’t even be an option.

Also, if you notice your dog barking at other dogs whenever he sees them on the street, try walking him somewhere else. This way, you can avoid potential triggers that set off his barking and prevent it from happening in the future!


If your poodle is barking a lot, it could be due to any number of reasons. For example, if you work long hours and don’t give him enough exercise or mental stimulation he may become bored and start barking for attention.

You can help by giving him plenty of fresh water at all times, providing toys that are appropriate for his size on which to chew on during the day while you are gone.

Setting up indoor obstacles courses with food treats scattered along the way so he has something interesting to do when left alone in an empty room or crate, find some good pet sitters who will come over regularly fill out paperwork ahead of time so they know what activities your pup likes best.

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