Poodle Prey drive OR Do poodles chase

Poodle Prey Drive OR Do Poodles Chase?

Every breed of dog has a different level of prey drive. Poodles are typically not as high on the list, but they still have some amount of it. Let’s talk about what is considered prey drive and how to keep your poodle safe from chasing small animals.

Prey drive is something that dogs develop depending on their breed and genetics. It can be measured by testing how they react when you present them with certain stimuli like toy animals or stuffed toys that resemble real-life animals.

If they show an increase in activity then it’s likely they have higher levels of prey drive which means more care should be taken to stop them from chasing smaller furry creatures outdoors.

1. What is prey drive in dogs and how does it affect your dog’s behavior?

Prey drive in dogs is when all the signs of predatory behavior are displayed by them such as stalking, chasing, and biting.

When a dog feels like they need to chase something because it’s moving its displaying prey drive.

It can also be caused by hunger or mating instincts (in male dogs). Prey drive is usually seen as a bad thing because it’s so hard to stop this behavior from being displayed.

It is important to keep prey drive in mind when taking your dog out. If you have a high prey drive dog, chances are they may be too excited and want to chase small animals.

It’s extremely difficult for a poodle with a high prey drive to think rationally and not chase something.

2. Do poodles have a high prey drive?

The majority of poodles do not have a very high level of prey drive, but it does depend on the individual dog as well as their breed (which can be measured depending on height/weight ratio).

Poodles that have been bred for hunting purposes have a higher prey drive than poodles that were used for show and companionship.

3. What small animals should Poodle owners be concerned about?

Some of the animals/creatures people should worry about their poodle chasing after include squirrels, rabbits, cats, and other small furry creatures.

You may think your poodle would never chase after a cat, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

4. How to use prey drive to train your pup?

If your dog displays a high prey drive and is not getting better over time, you may need to consider taking them somewhere with no small animals around.

You can try using their prey drive in a positive way by teaching them “fetch” or giving them something like a tug toy when they aren’t feeling the urge to chase.

A high prey drive can be extremely difficult to manage, but with lots of positive reinforcement, it may get better.

To keep your poodle safe when outside always make sure they are in a secure area like their fenced-in yard or leashed so they cannot chase after small furry critters.

They should also have obedience training so you can reinforce commands like “leave it” so your dog will not go after small animals.

5. Why you should be careful with poodles around small animals?

Small animals can be very unpredictable and the bite of a small animal is much nastier than a large one.

Many dogs have been injured by going after a skunk while it sprayed them in defense causing major discomfort to their eyes, nose, mouth, and paws.

The same goes for outdoor cats that may scratch or bite your dog due to not liking to be chased.

Poodles are great dogs that can get along with everyone, but it’s important to keep them away from small animals that may not like being chased or attacked by a bigger animal.

6. What causes poodle’s prey drive?

There have been many ideas as to why dogs have such high prey drive.

Some researchers have suggested that the prey drive evolved through domestication as people bred dogs to enhance hunting abilities or jobs, but many researchers are now beginning to think this is not true.

Instead, they believe it is more likely a trait inherent to all canines.  Unfortunately, even if you breed out the high prey drive in a dog, they will still display it at times.

Research has shown that when dogs see something moving in a non-predatory way (like a toy or even a leaf), the same parts of their brain light up as when they see prey like smaller animals and birds. This suggests that prey drive is an innate and likely evolved trait found in all canines.

7. How to control your poodle’s prey drive?

There are certain behaviors that you can attribute to prey drive such as sniffing, stalking, and chasing (yours or another animal).

You will need to learn how to recognize the signs of when your poodle is feeling this way and then use a command or technique to redirect their attention elsewhere.

It is important that you use the right type of discipline so they understand what they did wrong and don’t get discouraged.

If you are too harsh with your dog, it will likely discourage them from obeying in the future.  For instance, if you tell your dog “no” harshly and then give them a command, they will likely ignore the command and may even decide that obeying, in general, is not worth it.

You should redirect your poodle’s attention to something positive such as giving them a treat as soon as they stop doing whatever behavior you do not like.  Eventually, they will learn what behaviors earn treats and which ones do not.

If you are consistent with this, your poodle will learn what he or she can or cannot do.  This is one of the simplest ways to ensure that your poodle does not get into trouble outside when they are less supervised.

As always, make sure you spend time every day with your dog playing and training them.  This will help with their prey drive as well as improve their behavior overall.

Prey drive is a very powerful force in dogs and difficult—but not impossible—to manage with training.

However, it can be extremely dangerous to allow your poodle to run off-leash when there are small animals around because you may not be able to stop them when they see something run.

To prevent your poodle from chasing after these creatures, you need to train them in basic obedience so they can be controlled with commands like “leave it” or “come.”

If you are unwilling or unable to invest the time in training your dog, then they should be kept in a fenced yard or on a leash when outside.

Regardless of how well your dog obeys, it’s important you never encourage their prey to drive by playing with toys that move such as stuffed animals.  

Your poodle should be taught from a young age that this type of behavior is unacceptable and may result in them losing the toy and/or getting corrected.

Prey drive is innate to all dogs and can be very dangerous if it is not controlled early on with training or prevented through safe containment.  However, it is manageable with the right type of discipline and persistence on your part.


“In conclusion, we hope you have learned a lot from this blog post. We’ve covered the basics of poodle prey drive as well as some tips on how to control it and what not to do around small animals with them! Share your thoughts in the comments below if you have any questions.”

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