If you stretch your Pitbull’s toes you will find connecting tissues between each of the toes. This is because of the “webbing,” but the question is, do Pitbulls have webbed feet?
The answer is a big NO, Pitbulls don’t have webbed feet. If your pitbull has such feet visit a vet so that your confusion can be cleared. If your pitbull has such feet then continue reading to make everything clear.
Most of the people say that their Pitbull has such toes but do all of them have it?
Let’s read the article and find out!
What Does Webbed Toes Mean?
The thin layer between the toes is a membrane that makes up the webbed feet. This membranous skin connects one toe with another. This is why their toes look like duck feet.
Those dogs who have webbed feet can easily swim in the water.
Such feet are a distinctive feature of ducks, swans, albatrosses, and amphibious animals. Some breeds of dogs also have webbed toes.
Usually, people who love water sports tend to have dogs who have webbed feet. Because they can swim and sink well.
Such dogs can quickly move through swampy terrain, so they are great helpers for hunters.
How To Identify Webbed Feet?
Many people get confused between connective tissue and webbed feet. It is where the confusion arises. It is essential to know the difference between connective tissue and webbed toes. If you identify it incorrectly, you will get worried for no reason.
So, here is the catch, compare your dog’s paw with any amphibian or a duck to make sure. If you see webs in between the toe, your dog has webbed feet. In our opinion, the duck is the perfect comparison tool.
As aforementioned, creatures with webbed toes are great swimmers. Hence it will help to identify correctly.
Some common questions arise in our minds regarding our pets like what are male dogs called, another query might sound like thinking that if dogs aren’t amphibians, then why do some have such toes?
The credit for this feature goes to evolution. As dogs evolved into land animals, the membrane lost its use. So, it started to disappear in further generations. Thus, some breeds have webbed toes, and some don’t.
Do Pitbulls Have Webbed Feet?
Pitbulls aren’t a standard breed except for The American Pit Bull Terrier. It is a purebred dog recognized by American Dog Breeders Association.
These dogs are a combination of different dog breeds. American Bulldog and Pitbull are one example.
The majority of pit bulls have non-webbed feet. It is an exception if your pup has such feet. It is possible in some dogs because Pitbulls aren’t a standard breed.
One Important tip which I would like to share with you is that you should properly train your pitbull to attack. Pitbulls are a dangerous breed of dogs hence they should have proper training.
Dangers Of Having Webbed Feet
There is no doubt that webbed feet have advantages for our canine friends. But, there are also some dangers to your dog’s health.
Dogs are land animals. They use their toes for walking. If they have a webbed structure, it can cause limping. It can cause other conditions too, which include:
1) Cleft Palate:
Most pitbull owners who have webbed feet complain that their dog has a cleft palate.
Cleft palate is a kind of genetic abnormality. Dogs accompanied by this condition have problems with their genes.
In normal dogs, the roof of the mouth sticks together that leaves no blank space. However, in dogs with this condition, their sides of the mouth don’t stick together. Instead, the toes did the sticking, which shouldn’t happen.
2) Shortened Tibia And Fibula:
In the rear leg of the dog, there are two bones, the tibia, and fibula. It concerns the premature closure of the corresponding growth plate.
It is possible, it can be the same genes that are responsible for both, webbed toes and the fast joining of bones.
This genetic problem can lead to limping or bone fractures. Surgeries can cure the bone problem.
3) Scoliosis:
In this condition, the dog’s spine is not straight and bent on the side. Scoliosis is noticeable as limping is visible. You can also check by touching the body and how your pooch is carrying its weight.
One of the legs will be stronger than the other. The back area is also sensitive to this disease. If this condition isn’t treated, it can paralyze your pitbull.
Types Of Dogs Who Have Webbed Feet
Other than a few Pitbulls, some other dogs have webbed feet. Have a look below:
1) Labrador Retriever:
Labs are one of the most loved and popular dogs in America. They have a loving and athletic nature and are great swimmers.
The reason behind this is the wide webbed feet. Such feet help them cross the water body easily.
2) Otterhound:
As the name suggests, these dogs hunt the otters. It is a rare British dog breed.
This breed has a superb sense of smell. It helps the dogs to find the otters easily. They also have big webbed feet that enable them to swim in the water.
Otterhounds have a harsh water-resistant coat that maintains the temperature even underwater.
3) Irish Water Spaniel:
A dog having “water” in its name is telling us something!
This breed is a great swimmer and can swim through strong water tides. These are some of the oldest spaniel breeds. It leads as old as the 7th century.
4) Dachshund:
People love this breed because of its small, short, and cute appearance.
Even though dachshund has webbed toes, but their specialty isn’t swimming. They are marvelous diggers. The membrane between the fingers plays a vital role in removing dirt rapidly.
In the olden days’ people used this dog for hunting. Mainly, Dachshund quickly hunted small prey like rabbits and squirrels.
5) Newfoundland:
These are the most popular webbed feet dog breeds. Initially, these dogs helped the fishermen to work in the cold waters of Canada.
Credit goes to their broad webbed toes; they can quickly propel through the water. Newfoundland has muscular bodies. It helped the grown men by providing safety in the ocean.
Nowadays, people keep them as family dogs.
6) Portuguese Water Dog:
These water dogs have an inborn talent as great swimmers because of their webbed feet. They share the same characteristics but aren’t bulky or wooly as Newfoundlands.
This breed helps the fishermen by herding. Since they aren’t as bulky as Newfoundland, they cannot carry a heavy load. They herd the schools of fish towards the fishing net.
This water dog is also helpful in passing the messages from boat to boat.
7) Weimaraner:
Weimaraner is a German dog breed common in Europe. These are initially bred for hunting large animals like deer or boars.
They have webbed toes and arched feet. It helps them to pass any terrain to catch the animals. They can even chase animals in or out of water.
Such dogs are suitable for people who love water sports. The webbed feet make them an excellent swimmer and a runner.
8) American Water Spaniel:
This breed comes from the United States. It helped the hunters who used to shoot the birds. They retrieve the bird wherever it falls.
The habitat of the birds was wet and muddy lands. Hence, American Water Spaniel, with its webbed toes was an excellent choice in this regard.
9) Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever:
This breed is also known as “Toller.” They have a very thick coat. It helps them to remain warm in cold weather. Even though they are small, but they are active and tough.
These dogs help the farmers by taking good care of the ducks. They also assist the hunters by attracting the water flow into the shore for asking shoots.
Bottom Line:
All in all, Pitbulls do not have webbed feet. In some rare cases, this can be the case. But they do have connective tissue between each toe.
If you were looking for the answer that do Pitbulls have webbed feet? You got your answer!
If they do have such feet, get them checked to clear out your confusion. Either they are descendants of a water dog family, or they have health issues.